How to Get Away with Murder answered some mysteries, and broke a lot of hearts. How will these broken hearts affect the Keating Five’s judgment?

We only have three episodes left this season, and emotions are sure running high. Everyone is wearing their hearts on their sleeves, and that can only mean they are going to get hurt in a big way.

Best Crazy Sauce Moment

In a show that prides itself of bringing on the cray-cray, and the self-professed “OMG! of OMG! moments,” there wasn’t really a total crazy sauce moment in the episode. Although, maybe that’s kind of crazy sauce in of itself, and something that we are totally going to be exploring next week.

The crazy sauce that started last week, and continued this week, was that everyone’s hard-as-nails facade fell. First, we had power-couple Flaurel in tears. Let’s repeat that Flaurel was in tears, big wet sloppy tears. Next, we had Annalise breaking down with Nate after she had previously delivered to Wes information on his mother. Lastly, we had Asher and Bonnie who are barely holding it together. They may not have been weeping together like Flaurel, but they sure wallowed apart.×12

Snarkiest Exchange

Unlike the crazy sauce factor, the snark factor was business as usual. We have to give serious props to Annalise for supplying some vintage quips. Some were kind of predictable like Annalise telling Frank, “Just think with your big head, instead of your little one from now on.” There were also those flat out funny and exasperated Annalise moments when she wants to get the emo and worried Keating Five out of her house so she can have some peace, not to mention a date with Nate. We were laughing out loud at her in desperation telling them, “Go. Have sex, get drunk. Do whatever makes you happy!”

On the other hand, it wasn’t all one-liners. The most revealing Annalise quote of the night was when she dropped her guard with Bonnie and stated, “I never wanted children. It never crossed my mind until I turned your age. Everyone asking, ‘When? Why not? You’ll feel different when the baby is in your hand. It’s the greatest experience in your life.’ Now I have five of them and I know…it’s the worse experience of my life.” It’s sure getting harder for Annalise to wear that mask of not caring.

The best, though, was Annalise’s exchange with Connor regarding the video links he keeps being sent by the deranged Phillip. Maybe everyone else has to worry about what happened the night Annalise was shot, but not Annalise. Phillip can send all the videos he wants, Annalise has nothing to worry about since she was too busy trying not to die while she was bleeding out on the floor.

Best Death Glare

One thing is for sure, you don’t want to get on Laurel’s bad side. The look on her face when she confronts Annalise about Wes’ possibly murderous past was priceless. Start talking, Annalise, because Laurel isn’t going to back down.

Voice of Reason

The band got back together. Between Bonnie and Annalise teaming up, things managed to stay on an even keel. Despite the fact that just two weeks ago Bonnie and Annalise were at an all time low, they seem to have gotten over their differences. Together they were able to contain most of the Keating Five from going off the deep end, and they came up with a plan to get Caleb Hapstall to help them.

Ships Ahoy

Colliver. Have we mentioned how much we love Coliver? Even though Connor isn’t being 100% honest with Oliver about his involvement the night Annalise was shot, Connor’s heart is in the right place. Granted, he wants to save his own ass from Phillip’s blackmail, but he does genuinely care about Oliver and wants them to make a new start away from Annalise in California.

Right now, Connor is getting away with his half-truths. The question is whether Ollie will give Connor a pass if the whole sorry story comes out. Connor is going to have more to worry about than Ollie’s ass being offended.×12

Sure Didn’t See that Coming

Wes and Laurel’s road trip to Ohio was certainly unexpected. It brought out a whole lot of things we were wondering about. We now know most of the backstory of Annalise and Wes’ connection. Clearly Annalise felt guilty about the murder of Wes’ mom. Despite the documents that Laurel found, the smart money is on Annalise’s clients having killed Wes’ mom as payback for not testifying.

It’s not that surprising that 10-year-old Wes was the fall guy. In Annalise’s warped world, she probably twisted the narrative so Wes would be protected from her clients. What remains to be seen is how Eve fits into all of this, what became of Annalise’s baby, and what happened to her former clients.

The biggest didn’t see that coming moment was the Wes and Laurel kiss. They might have tried to shake it off with claiming they were tired, but there was chemistry there. Despite the current circumstances, the two of them are usually the most grounded and clearest thinkers in the Keating Five.

How to Get Away with Murder is back next Thursday at 10:00/9:00c on ABC.

What was ‘HTGAWM’s’ biggest OMG moment for you?