With filming underway, speculation abounds as to how many episodes Rory and Amy have left before facing whatever their heartbreaking end is going to be. So the next logical question is how will the new companion be introduced?

Showrunner Steven Moffat could go in a couple of directions with the new companion. The first way he could position the companion is by bringing in someone before the Ponds depart. In that way, an extra person in the TARDIS wouldn’t be so jarring assuming the Ponds leave mid season. Each time a companion has left there’s been a certain amount of grieving on the Doctor’s part when that companion didn’t leave on her own terms. So if the person is already there, it’s more of a natural transition.

Another option is something that has been done before, and that’s to have the Doctor travel alone for awhile. For example, the Doctor traveled solo for a bit after the departure of Donna Noble. He then picked up with his old friend Wilfred Mott, saved the day, said goodbye to his old friends, and then finally regenerated and found Amy Pond.

Something that hasn’t been done in awhile is what one might term the unexpected companion approach. The closest we’ve come to that is the first appearance of Donna Noble. Out of nowhere she was suddenly in the TARDIS in full wedding attire. It creates a scenario where the Doctor has to deal with the unexpected even if he’s in no mood for a new companion. Going back into classic Doctor Who episodes it’s exactly how one of the most popular companions, Tegan, was introduced.

The final possibility is a transitional companion. In other words someone who isn’t in it for the long haul. Someone who can help him with the grieving process. The Doctor might visit anyone he’s met before and travel with them a bit. Craig, River Song, and Captain Jack all come to mind.

So which of the above scenarios do you think is the most likely, or do you have a possibility of your own?