The BBC has confirmed that, “a 90 second trailer offering viewers a sneak peak of the new series of Doctor Who will be hitting BBC ONE on the evening of Thursday, 2nd August.” No doubt it will be online globally shortly thereafter.

This will be the second trailer released for the new series. The first trailer that was released several months back heavily features the first two episodes in the upcoming series: “A Town Called Mercy” and “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.” Now that significantly more material has been shot, the question is what will appear in this new trailer? Will we see glimpses of the Ponds’ departing episode, the return of River Song, or a glance at the new companion, Jenna-Lousie Coleman? No matter what is there, one thing is guaranteed, viewers will have a strong reaction.

This is where you, the Hypable reader, come in. We don’t want to just hear about your reaction to the new trailer, we want to see it.

Here is what you do: Take a video of yourself, you and your flatmates, family, co-workers, whoever is watching the trailer together and upload it to YouTube or a similar file sharing service. Email the video link to us at or send us a tweet @WhoHype. We will then post a collection of several of your reactions here on Hypable the following day, Friday, August 3rd.

UPDATE – The trailer is now due to première at 6 AM GMT August 2. (fourteen hours before its television début). It will be up on Hypable as soon as it lands, so get ready to record your reactions!

What are you most hoping for in the new trailer?