Ever since Nina Dobrev announced this was her last season on The Vampire Diaries, everyone has been in wondering how exactly Elena will leave. Tonight we find out.

Last week on ‘The Vampire Diaries

Everyone escaped

We still don’t know exactly how Lily was able to leave her cell but she did, endangering Matt and Bonnie in the process. Last we saw them Matt was still alive and seemingly okay, but Bonnie was definitely at death’s door again. It also looks like Enzo is more on Lily’s side than anyone else’s, as she went to him for help to find an address her companions gave her.

Lily’s escape also ties in to Kai’s — somehow. We don’t know how he was able to get to Jo and Alaric’s wedding but the point is he did, and he stabbed Jo when he got there. We’re assuming Lily’s companions have also arrived, but it looks like for the beginning part of tonight’s episode we’ll be trying to figure out if Elena survived the damage that the chandelier caused.

Damon chose

After being tormented by his brother and shown what a human life could look like if it wasn’t everything Damon expected, he came back to Mystic Falls with a clear choice: He was going to take the cure with Elena.

Caroline refused

She finally admitted feelings for Stefan and we thought everything was good between them, but it looks like Caroline doesn’t want to lose control over her feelings. Since control is all she has left, she decided to walk away from Stefan.

This week… Elena leaves

Are you looking forward to Elena’s departure on ‘The Vampire Diaries’?