How We Hype is a twice-monthly feature on Hypable where we tell you what we’re doing in fandom over the weekend!

Reading the $35+ worth of comics I bought this week, as well as ‘Operation Sin’ – Danielle Zimmerman

This past Wednesday, I walked into my local comic book store expecting to spend about $12 on comics, and walked out after spending about triple that. On my shopping list this week were Captain America: White #4, DC Bombshells #4, and Spider-Gwen #2, all of which I’ve been eagerly anticipating for weeks.

Related: All the ladies: Female-fronted comic book recommendations

However, whenever I walk into the shop, I can’t help but look around. Lo and behold, I found a copy of Silk Vol. 0: The Life and Times of Cindy Moon (which has been on my to-buy list and didn’t realize was available already) and a reprint of Princess Leia #1 (which I missed out on the first time around).

Add to that the free Marvel preview issue and my (still) unread Operation Sin trade paperback, it looks like I’ll be holing myself up in my room and reading like a madwoman!

(Still) binge-watching ‘Arrow’ – Selina Wilken

Oh Arrow, it’s been a whirlwind romance. Having under-prioritized TV for way too long (I’m pretty much just watching The 100 and Agent Carter these days, because all other shows pale in comparison), I decided it was finally time to get back in the game. The superhero TV show world is huge and overwhelming, but I figured Arrow was a good place to start.

So I gave it a shot… and I hated it. No, really, I’m not exaggerating. With cheesy dialogue, clichéd and underdeveloped characters, and a formulaic, borderline procedural set-up, the first season of Arrow is everything I dislike about serialized television.

Related: Arrow EP talks Constantine’s appearance, whether he’ll return

The only reason I kept watching, stubbornly and through gritted teeth, was because so many people I like and respect have told me it’s a good show. Surely, these fandom-savvy and knowledgeable people couldn’t all be wrong?! I was dead-set on liking the show — and you know what? I finally do.

I’m nearing the end of Arrow season 2 (correction: I’m now starting season 3! Damn, I’m moving through this quickly!), and it’s ALL good. From Sara and Felicity to the villain and the horrific character death I just watched last night (damn it, whyyyyy), Arrow has transformed from a show I couldn’t stand, to the show all my friends kept insisting was amazing. I’m so glad I stuck it out! For all my complicated and messy thoughts on Arrow, listen to the most recent episode of Hypable’s HYPE Podcast!

Listening to ‘Career of Evil’ – Laura Byrne-Cristiano

I will be checking out J.K. Rowling’s Robert Galbraith’s Career of Evil, which is book number three in the Cormoran Strike series.

I really enjoy a good detective story. The last two Galbraith books kept me guessing, and I’m hoping that this one does the same. It sounds like the stakes this time are way higher, based on the official description, “When a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she is horrified to discover that it contains a woman’s severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible — and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality.”

I’m also a fan of listening to books while I’m in the car or doing work around the house. The narrator on the Cormoran Strike series is Robert Glenister: He is a terrific character actor, who BBC fans will recognize as a frequent face in everything from Spooks to Law and Order U.K. A pet peeve of mine are voice actors who make women characters sound like screechy idiots. This is not the case with Glennister. He gives real depth of emotion when he voices Strike’s assistant, Robin Ellacott, and other female characters.

Finishing ‘Master of None’ – Brook Wentz

This weekend, I’m finishing the Netflix original show Master of None. Earlier this week I binge watched the first seven episodes, and was absolutely charmed by the heartwarming nature of the show.

Not only does it examine some really spectacular themes, but it also effortlessly incorporates a variety of nationalities and people of color — making you feel like you’re actually moving around New York City, and not stuck in some whitewashed backlot studio.

Related: Dear Netflix: Please bring back Pushing Daisies, Hannibal, and Torchwood

The show is sweet, topical, and visually shot like a pretty little indie film. I both can’t wait to finish the series this weekend, and also I’m dreading it with all my might because I don’t want to let it go.

P.S. I DARE you not to cry during the episode “Parents,” especially once you realize Aziz Ansari cast his own parents for the roles.

Hype-ing about ‘Hamilton’- Natalie Fisher

After podcasting here for over four years, I’m finally making my debut on Hypable’s flagship show Hype in our Hamilton Special. I saw the show back in September along with some other Hypable pals, and we haven’t stopped talking about it since.

The release of the full cast album has made half of the staff here into crazy obsessives, so after weeks of hijacking all our normal podcasts (sorry, Rewatchable listeners) with long, hysterical Hamilton tangents, we decided to get it out of our system by just doing a special Hype episode dedicated to the musical. Before we record, I’ll be listening to the show for the 50th time and making notes on what I want to discuss, as well as reading a bunch of Alexander Hamilton’s original letters.

Listen to our most recent episode of Hype Podcast, in which we talk Fantastic Beasts, Star Wars, Jessica Jones, Hamilton and much more!

Christmas? Christmas! – Donya Abramo

John Lewis have premiered their annual seasonal advert, the Coca Cola trucks have embarked on their nationwide tour, and – for better or worse – Starbucks’ red cups have arrived. Yes, with Halloween swiftly behind us, Christmas (for the U.K. at least) is in full-swing. Christmas is a fandom, right?

Related: The top 5 most quotable Christmas movies

Of course, with the holiday season, comes the annual spectacle of turning on the Christmas lights in your town or city, and the newest place I call home is no different. So, I’ll be donning a ridiculously holiday-appropriate jumper, and making my way into the city to join in on the festivities. There’s nothing quite so British (or should I say commonwealth?) as having an ex-Neighbours star to turn on the lights, as well as performances from The Military Wives Choir and stars from the West End (and who can resist a little Jersey Boys, really?)

This outing is certain to get me into the spirit of the season and kick-start my warbling to my favorite Christmas tunes from here until January. No arguments of “Christmas doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving” on this side of the pond, we’re hurtling full tilt towards the big day – there’s nothing to be done than to gleefully embrace it and enjoy the ride. They call it the most wonderful time of the year for a reason, right?

What are you doing this weekend in fandom?