How to Get Away With Murder season 1, episode 8, “He Has A Wife,” aired tonight on ABC. Find out how much Sam actually knew!

Lila’s first time

For the first time ever, this week’s episode of How to Get Away With Murder starts off not at the bonfire but instead heads into the past when Lila was still alive. The first scene flashes back to Lila and Rebecca together at the water tower snorting coke and discussing “Mr. Darcy.” Lila is nervous about losing her virginity to him and how much it is going to hurt.

Cut back to present day at the Keating household where Annalise is confronting Sam about Lila’s pregnancy. She, of course, insists on forcing Bonnie to stay in the room as she does it. Does anyone else feel strange about the amount of times Annalise’s students/co-workers are in her bedroom while she’s in a nightgown? More than zero times in our book is too many.

The next day Annalise tells Wes about Lila’s pregnancy but warns him not to tell Rebecca because Annalise is nervous that Rebecca will act out. Five seconds later and Wes is telling Rebecca. Another five seconds later Rebecca spills the beans to Nate. It’s quite the circle of trust they’ve got going on.

Never trust the nanny

At class, Annalise presents the case of Gretchen Thomas, who is accused of murdering her family’s nanny, Elke, while under the influence of sleep medication. While at her home, Gretchen is acting a bit too Stepford and continues to plan her daughter’s birthday party. Murder Inc begins to question the entire family and honesty, we think they’re all a bit out there and wouldn’t be surprised if Granny wasn’t hiding a few actual skeletons in her closet.

At the trial, Gretchen’s son, Cody, reveals that he and Elke had a relationship and were in love. He thinks he is helping his mother but in reality is giving her motive.

All of the students are staying late to work on the case and Michaela isn’t digging it because it’s cutting into her study time. Luckily for Wes and Laurel, though, Connor has last year’s exam. High on cheating in school, Laurel continue with their sexual tryst with Frank and sneaks out of the office in order to get it on with him in his car. Asher, possibly the only person on this show not getting any, asks Bonnie to head his party before the bonfire but she swiftly turns him down.

In an effort to get more information, Connor takes a visit to Cody and tries to relate to Cody by telling him a story about an old girlfriend. Cody calls him out instantly about being gay but ends up telling him that Elke gave him trichomoniasis, an STD that causes burning when you urine. Which, coincidentally enough, his father got from Elke as well. Annalise calls him out on it and gets him to admit that he was in fact the murderer and took advantage of his wife’s medication in order to frame her.

He’s not a good man

It finally the night of the bonfire in real time and we get to see exactly where everyone was before Sam was murdered.

At the office, Bonnie finally gets her chance to talk to Sam. She admits to meeting Lila the night she was killed when she showed up at Annalise’s house in hysterics. Bonnie answered the door and refused to let her talk with Annalise because she felt like it would do more harm than good.

With this information Sam reveals that he knew about the pregnancy and tries to convince Bonnie to keep it a secret with his sweet, sweet kisses. And by “sweet” we mean dirty and disgusting. Bonnie surprises us and actually goes to Annalise immediately and tells her the truth. However, Annalise can’t handle it and in another twist fires Bonnie on the spot.

Wes catches Rebecca in the car with Nate as he tries to get her to download all of Sam’s files off of his phone. They are in the middle of a huge fight when Connor interrupts them because it’s study group time. At the same time, Michaela, who just had to deal with her future monster-in-law, stops over at Asher’s. While he is getting her a drink she steals the statue and runs out of there. Is she stealing the statue just because she thinks she deserves it?

The episode ends with Sam coming into the house and overhearing Annalise on the phone. When he asks her who she was talking with she tells him that it was the DA’s office and she is demanding samples from every man in Lila’s life for a DNA test, including her teachers.

What did you think of this week’s episode of ‘How to Get Away With Murder?’