How to Get Away With Murder season 1, episode 6, “Freakin-Whack-A-Mole,” aired tonight on ABC. Find out what makes Asher the unexpected trophy winner!

Five weeks out from the murder of Sam, the class assembles to discuss habeas corpus, or rather the key element of producing a body. But this lesson is cut short. A lesson that our Keating Five may have needed for their future in criminal activity. How to Get Away With Murder adds a few more twists to the bonfire burial in this week’s episode, “Freakin-Whack-A-Mole,” that eliminate two of the chosen tribe from the crime.

The grand appeal: 21 years ago, David Allen’s wrongful conviction turned Annalise Keating towards the path of criminal defense. Creating a truth that brings justice to the right people is a rewarding career. No case may bring Annalise quite as much joy as seeing Allen removed from death row two weeks before lethal injection. The Pennsylvania District Attorney’s office granted her the opportunity to introduce new facts and appeal the ruling.

Class is an afterthought once the chosen team is informed that they have 72 hours to make their case. But for one member of the group, class was never in the cards for that day. Wes sits in his apartment, as the flashbacks to the previous night replay. Before leaving the Keating residence, Wes calls Annalise a liar whom he can no longer trust. She tries to plead with him to stay, but he has his mind made up about the woman harboring Mr. Darcy under her roof.

Protecting Rebecca is Wes’ number one priority at the moment. Annalise recognizes that he may not be as open to hearing her side of the story and approaches him instead with a counter offer. She will allow him to blackmail her by holding the threat of a copy of everything that is on Lila’s phone over her. She agrees to find Rebecca and insists he get back to work on the case at hand.

As the team dives into the case, Asher makes a startling connection. His father was on the team that originally put Allen on death row. Not ready to take the hit lying down, Asher does some recon work in his father’s office to find that the studious man who kept track of every meeting, notably left a full day of his yearly log empty right around the time of the trial. Millstone Sr. was also granted an impressive federal appointment following the case.

Asher returns to the team, but deals directly with Annalise. He has two demands for his information. One, his father’s name stays out of the case. Two, he gets the trophy.

A montage of coffee and case files later, the team is on edge. Laurel and Bonnie wonder off to discuss Frank and his intentions. Bonnie cautions Laurel that Frank does not see their last kiss as a one time fling he can have whenever he wants. If he commits to something, or someone, he is looking for the long haul.

File by file, it takes an outburst of rage and poor footing for Asher to find his next break through. One of the original eyewitnesses, who claims she saw Allen pull the gun, was coerced into giving false testimony. A few months behind on her rent, all of her troubles would disappear if she gave the court what they needed to hear to convict Allen.

But what was the case really about in the end? Why have Allen framed for the murder of his girlfriend? It turns out that a Senator was looking to have thousands of low income families moved from an area in order to develop the land with a new building complex. In a show down on the stand, Annalise drills the Senator past the point of no return and gives her client freedom mere weeks before he was set to receive lethal injection.

In the case of Rebecca there is new evidence to suggest that she ma be innocent. However, as Annalise is prone to do, she built her truth with Frank handling some planted evidence. The phone was set in Griffith’s car linking the ex-boyfriend to the murder, not Rebecca. Whatever it takes, is what she promised Wes. However, there are eyes everywhere and Nate is keeping a close one on Annalise and her crew.

Two down:

The night of the murder, Asher discovers that the trophy has been taken from his apartment and calls up Michaela to demand it be returned to him. Hidden on the floor of Annalise’s home the group avoid Asher until he gives up and heads back home. On his way back however, he is almost hit by his classmates as they drive off with Sam’s body stowed in the back seat.

As for the rest of Asher’s evening plans, well they shape up better than Annalise and the Keating gang. He finds a way into bed with Bonnie after what seems like a highly one sided pursuit to get her there. Jealous of the losers who ditched him to go to the bonfire, as per their plan to convince everyone there were there via social media, Asher’s second round of Bonnie is disrupted by a frantic call from Annalise.

Looking for Sam, Annalise calls Bonnie is tears pleading for help. Something is terribly wrong and the final scene shows Annalise staring at the bare floor where the missing carpet from the study once was.

Watch How to Get Away With Murder season 1, episode 7 “He Deserved to Die,” Thursday, November 6 at 10:00 p.m. ET on ABC.