How to Get Away With Murder season 1, episode 4 puts Connor and Oliver on shaky ground while Annalise helps out an old friend. Read our full recap of the episode here.

Tonight’s episode opens up with, you guessed it, the cheerleader and the coin toss. This time we’re back at Annalise’s office and Wes says he’s going to take Rebecca out of there because out of everyone she shouldn’t be caught there. Before they can leave, though, Asher comes banging on the door yelling like a maniac about his trophy. We were beginning to think Asher had been killed off since this is the first we’re seeing of him in the flash forwards. But now knowing he’s alive and well, why wasn’t he involved in this and everyone else was?

Seven weeks prior to the night of the murder it is time for Rebecca’s hearing. Annalise and the rest of Murder Inc, minus Connor, who is busy getting his freak on, are in court. Because she admitted to the murder on video she ultimately gets bail set at one million dollars. And with her possible fate looming ahead of her, she finally admits to Annalise that she lied about her confession to the police.

Annalise is tired of Wes messing around with her client just because he has the hots for her so she takes him off Rebecca’s case. Wes’ defense? A set of classic wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

On to the case of the week, which was a pretty solid one if we had to rank it against the ones we’ve seen so far. An old friend of Annalise, Marren Trudeau, is accused of insider trading and while she insists she was being framed there’s a pretty scandalous sex tape that really isn’t making her look so hot. Scratch that, she looks extremely hot in the tape, it’s just not great for her defense.

In a lesson on how to be detectives, Annalise unleashes Murder Inc on the company so they can snoop around and grill her employees for any information they may have. Marren isn’t having it, though, because she wholeheartedly trusts her employees. She genuinely seems like she means it, which is going to make it that much sadder when we find out who was behind the hacking. Thankfully, Connor takes it upon himself to visit her assistant after hours and ultimately gets intel the best way he knows how. Poor, poor Oliver.

So it turn out it was Paxton, the devoted assistant of eight years who doesn’t want to help Marren into her Spanx any longer. Well, we guess he doesn’t have to anymore since he decides to just jump out of the window. This scene feels very Veronica Mars to us. Also, do windows even open in city buildings like that in order to prevent that exact thing?

Nate is also doing some snooping around of his own when he breaks into Sam’s car in order to find more evidence against him. He cuts it pretty close when Sam walks out and finds him lurking and definitely thinking that he was trying to steal his car. The actual stalker part, however, is seeing Bonnie in her car watching them both. Looks like we may have a case of Fatal Attraction on our hands.

Bonnie uses what she saw to her advantage and is able to get a copy of Rebecca’s confession tape, which helps prove that Rebecca was being manipulated by the police. Her bail was reduced to one hundred thousand dollars and the girl is free.

Back to the night of Sam’s murder, Connor is beginning to lose it. He brings up the obvious fact that they’re all going to get caught no matter what with their prints all over the crime scene and rug fibers all over his car. Not to mention that Asher clearly knew they all were in Annalise’s office. But, then again, this is television, so we’re sure they’ll all be fine.

After they burn Sam’s body Connor is downright mad and heads to Oliver’s, who has no clue what to do with him. We quickly find out that in the past (or is it the present?) Oliver discovered Connor’s tryst with Paxton and broke up with him on the spot. Connor finally began to show some deep feelings for Oliver in that moment as he was being pushed out the door, but Oliver isn’t having any of it.

With Rebecca free, Wes goes to see her to ask her about Lila’s cell phone and then immediately brings it to Annalise, who appreciates his work but wants to keep it a secret between them. There is clearly something about this phone that Annalise doesn’t want the world to see.

In the final scene, Annalise is sitting at her vanity and begins to get ready for bed. She literally takes everything off layer by layer, from her wedding ring, to her wig and makeup. It’s a very powerful scene that leads up to the moment when she confronts her husband with Lila’s phone and simply asks, “Sam, why is your penis on a dead girl’s phone?”

The promos were right, that was one heck of a last line.

What did you think of this week’s episode of ‘How to Get Away With Murder’?