After last week’s shocking conclusion, there’s more than one mystery we are hoping to see solved in How to Get Away with Murder season 2, episode 13.

Philip is on the loose, recording people at random and freaking out everyone involved with Keating and Associates. Laurel is still freaking out over Frank’s admission, but has thrown herself completely into Wes’ drama to distract herself. Wes is trying to figure out what his role was in his mother’s death, and Connor is seriously considering moving him and Oliver across the country and away from all this crazy.

All in a day’s work when your boss is Annalise Keating. Here are the highlights from How to Get Away with Murder season 2, episode 13:

Craziest moment

When Annalise finds out that the Assistant DA she thought could get them immunity in return for some info about Philip’s last known location is trying to get leverage on her, Annalise shows the full extent of her intelligence. Within seconds of finding out about the backstab by the DA from Nate, Connor impersonates the warrant issuing judge’s clerk and tells the cops that the warrant was issued. Since the warrant was not yet issued, it makes the police’s search illegal and gives Annalise the leverage she needs to get immunity for herself and her associates. Bam! Lawyered.

Best flashback moment

In a true How to Get Away with Murder surprise, Wes’ mother, Rose, actually did kill herself. We are so used to everything being corrupt that we all assumed someone committed murder, but that didn’t end up being the case at all. We only hope that Wes finds out the whole truth soon so he can put this behind him once and for all.

Best death glare

So, Frank has a lot to learn about the ladies. Equating true love with being able to tell her that you’ve murdered someone before does not a forgiving girlfriend make. Laurel takes this opportunity to stare him down. She may have shed a few tears moments later, but no one gives a death glare quite like Laurel Castillo.

Shipping moment of the week

Connor and Oliver, Oliver and Connor, how many more ways can we show our love to this pair. Seriously, these two are the cutest thing. It makes me wish they were on a less life-threatening show. Surely their kind of happiness can’t last forever when death and murder are running rampant around Annalise’s house, and the thought of them not growing old together is horrifying. Anyhow, watching them debate whether to pack up and go turned into a seriously adorable flirtation seconds later, and won them our favorite shipping moment of the week. Coliver forever.

Most inappropriate joke

Asher is always up to no good, even when he’s just trying to lighten the mood. His little trick with taping Laurel in her sleep was totally inappropriate for the moment, but we definitely laughed out loud when he got so excited about it.

Voice of reason

We already sang Coliver’s praises in our favorite shipping moment of the episode, but Oliver is probably the only voice of reason we saw in HTGAWM season 2, episode 13. When he responded to Laurel’s assurance that she believes in the very real danger they’re all in with, “Okay, maybe Stanford is our best option,” we all agreed. They should all just cash out their chips and run as fast as possible.

Sure didn’t see that coming

The last few minutes of any How to Get Away with Murder episode are always the craziest, and this episode was no exception. We watched as Annalise poked around Wes’ apartment looking for him after seeing his shadow at the door, only to learn that he’d been at Eve’s office the entire time. Annalise is in the apartment with an intruder. We’ll give you a million guesses who the intruder is, but you’ll only need one.

What did you think of ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ season 2, episode 13?