Annalise isn’t too happy with her interns, and her interns aren’t too happy with her. Lots of hatred going around at Keating and Associates on How to Get Away with Murder season 2, episode 11.

After finally getting all the details of what happened at the Hapstall mansion last episode, we were happy to leave that awful night behind, but the anger and hatred that these people have for each other is lingering something fierce. Check out all our favorite moments from How to Get Away with Murder season 2, episode 11, “She Hates Us.”

Craziest moment

Connor getting a video in his email that seriously threatens all of their freedom. Can’t wait to see where that video leads them next week. It looks as if the Keating 5 are going to be crawling back to Annalise for guidance. If I were her, I’d let them sweat it out a minute before I helped.

Best flashback moment

We learned a lot about how Bonnie and Frank came to be the creatures we know now. Bonnie and Annalise had a sweet bonding moment in which we were reminded of Sam and Bonnie’s relationship, but the best flashback moment came between Frank and Annalise. First, she called him her secretary, which was awesome, but then she scolded him for flirting with the interns in one of her best quips yet.

Snarkiest Exchange

We all love Connor and Oliver, and them taking in Asher in his time of need has provided some ridiculous moments, but watching Oliver try to convince Michaela that she and Asher had chemistry was easily the best bit of this episode of How to Get Away with Murder. The poor guy just really wants some alone time with his man, and as long as Asher remains needy, Oliver is stuck with him. Come on, Michaela. Take one for Team Coliver.

Best death glare

So, it may not classify as a death glare per say, but the look of pure disgust on Connor’s face when Asher replies to a perfectly reasonable question with a fart at the breakfast bar was too great not to pay our respects to it here. Especially since this episode was surprisingly death glare-free. It’s okay, Annalise is sure to make up for that next week when she issues a big fat I-told-you-so to her ungrateful law students.

Shipping moment of the week

Connor has surprised us before with his earnestness regarding his and Oliver’s relationship, but tonight we got a moment to top them all. In the car with the rest of the Keating 5, Connor credited Oliver with getting him through all the murder-y craziness of the past two seasons. It’s incredible that despite the stress that is a constant factor in their lives, he and Oliver have managed to form a true relationship. I’m having all the Coliver feels.

Voice of reason

Nate hasn’t always done the smartest thing, and Frank always seems to be 10 steps ahead, but when Frank showed up at the precinct parking garage to convince Nate that Annalise needed him and was losing her grip, Nate quickly shut him down. Thanks to Nate’s BS-detector, we didn’t have to watch him try to push himself into the middle of the craziness in this episode. He dropped off some comfort food for Annalise out of friendship, but by doing so in his time, he nullified Frank’s involvement.

Sure didn’t see that coming

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether or not Laurel is being sincere, mostly because we’ve seen her lie convincingly for two seasons now. In her scene with Frank in his apartment tonight, she seemed as sincere as she ever has. She wants someone to talk to outside of the Keating 5. She hopes that by learning Frank’s deepest, darkest secrets (that he’s hinted to before), she can feel closer to him than ever. Frank tries to hold back, he truly does, but when he sees that he’s about to lose Laurel for good, even he can’t keep every secret. He tells her that he is the one who killed Lila. We can’t wait to see the completion of this scene in next week’s episode.

What did you think was the best part of ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ season 2, episode 11?