In a new interview, Becki Newton discusses her character’s role on How I Met Your Mother, and hints at what’s coming up for her and Barney. Beware of spoilers.

Speaking to TV Guide, Newton says of Quinn and Barney’s relationship:

We’re moving quickly! I think that even Barney and Quinn are surprised by this development, but they feel pretty confident and really happy together, so why not give it a shot? They’re both on the same page, which is why it’s working out so well for them. They complete each other’s thoughts pretty easily. I have the feeling that the idea came up at the same time and they both said, ‘Sure, let’s do it!’

In tonight’s episode, Barney’s friends will try to talk him out of moving in with Quinn. Newton explains:

They think a fling with a stripper makes sense, but when they all find out that they’re becoming more involved, it’s a surprising situation. [But] underneath [Quinn’s] conniving exterior, Barney has gotten to her heart and she has done the same to Barney. They both have a sense of adventure and a sense of fun. They’re a perfect match. You might think Quinn, being a stripper, is a con artist, but she’s actually a pretty smart stripper/con artist! And you’ll see how she really feels about being a stripper. … [Barney’s] been with a lot of strippers before, but none that were this able to keep up with him. It’s karma and karma’s a bitch!

But how about Barney and Robin? Newton, a long time fan of the show, offers:

I think we won’t know if he’s truly over Robin. Maybe we’ll never know. I think he’s trying to be over Robin. I don’t think either [Barney or Quinn] were looking for anything, and now they’re surprised at how it’s developed into more than that.

Tune in to CBS tonight for a new episode of How I Met Your Mother!