Watch a sneak peek for Monday’s How I Met Your Mother episode, entitled “The Autumn of Break-Ups,” featuring Barney, Robin and Nick at MacLaren’s.

In the episode, another couple will be set up for a fall, but is it Ted and Victoria (Ashley Williams) or Robin and Nick (Michael Trucco)? Maybe the sneak peek will give us a clue:

The video shows a scene where Barney introduces his new wing-man, making a lot of hilarious/lame dog-related jokes in the process. Brover will help him score girls, a fact which Barney couldn’t be more excited about, but Robin is still worried about him, telling Nick that she thinks he’s lonely after breaking up with Quinn.

The episode description for “The Autumn of Break-Ups” reveals that Ted will go to Marshall and Lily for help when he considers his future with Victoria, while Robin worries about Barney when she discovers that he’s looking for a dog to be his new wingman. You can see some images from the episode right here on Hypable.

While Nick will also appear in the following episode, “Splitsville,” it seems like Robin’s mind will already be back with Barney! Too bad he’ll have a new love interest to occupy his mind… we do wonder when Robin and Barney will finally make their way back together!