How I Met Your Mother and Avengers actress Cobie Smulders is gearing up for season 8, a big year for Robin! What can she tease about the wedding and the Michael Trucco romance?

Speaking to Access Hollywood, Smulders reveals that while the season premiere picks up where we left off, “We have a very weird timeframe.” This means that Robin and Barney’s wedding actually will take place at the end of season 8!

Battlestar Galactica actor Michael Trucco is returning as Robin’s love interest, and Smulders comments, “When this season begins, I’m dating [him]. I like to date a lot of people – Robin gets around.”

The actor has only appeared in one episode, only known as Robin’s crush from a bar, and was never given a name. However, Future Ted did indicate that he would be back in the gang’s lives, and luckily Trucco’s filming schedule has allowed him to appear to fulfill that promise.

As for whether How I Met Your Mother will actually see Robin and Barney get married – something which recent spoilers has made us a bit nervous about – Smulders of course can’t say, and she can only tease that, “I think that they’re intending to get married. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Do you think Barney and Robin will go through with it, or will they not be ready to commit to one another after all?