We’ve had a Doctor Who Christmas Special in the reboot era since 2005. How does this year’s special, “The Snowmen,” rate among other episodes?

We did a recap of the Doctor Who Christmas episodes the other day. Each one has a different tone. Some are practically devoid of a regular companion such as “The Next Doctor,” “Voyage of the Damned,” or even, for the most part “A Christmas Carol” and “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe.” On the other hand, the companion/future companion plays a key part in “The Christmas Invasion” and “The Runaway Bride.”

“The Snowmen” marks the first time in the reboot era that the new companion was introduced just before her season in the Christmas Special. In fact, since Catherine Tate was not intended as a regular companion at the time “The Runaway Bride” was filmed, it marks the first time since Rose Tyler that any companion has had major screen time in a Christmas Special.

That’s a lot of pressure on new companion, Jenna-Louise Coleman. So did she manage to be memorable, and more importantly liked? Cast your vote below for you favorite Doctor Who Christmas Special.

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Why did you vote as you did? Do you prefer the companion to be an integral part of the Christmas special, or just to be passing through?