Captain America: Civil War had a great ending (not counting the second post-credits scene). But it should have ended quite differently.

The How it Should Have Ended crew has fixed another very important movie: Captain America: Civil War.

The HISHE team has made a name for themselves by providing very simple answers to very convoluted movie dilemmas, and the Cap vs Iron Man conflict is no exception.

And there were a lot of parts of Civil War that, logically, should have played out much differently than they did. For one, why would anyone sign the Accords in the first place.

Let HISHE show you how Captain America: Civil War should have ended:

For one, Tony Stark’s new semi-omniscient associate Vision probably could have fixed their problems quite easily if he’d, you know, done something other than play houseguard for Wanda.

The Avengers might also have thought to point out that the whole destroying-NYC-thing really wasn’t an off-brand decision for the government so eager to control them.

When it comes to the actual battle, yep, Spider-Man could have stopped them all easily. But even if he hadn’t… Vision could have just blown up the Quinjet, right? Whatever.

Related: Captain America: Civil War Blu-ray bonus features revealed, including a Russo brothers commentary

Then, for the final (frustrating) fight, let’s imagine that Bucky had just, you know, explained himself. Although, contention point: Bucky doesn’t actually have responsibility for what he did as the Winter Soldier while under Hydra’s control. Damn it, HISHE.

But it’s okay, because Tony is still allowed to do the only logical thing and not try to kill Bucky and Steve.

Finally, there’s a nice little alternative way Bucky could have handled Zemo’s attempts at brainwashing towards the beginning of the film.

And do make sure you stay for the singalong and awesome Cap-is-Hydra reference at the end!