The penultimate episode of Homeland season 4 ended on a huge twist that only made one thing certain: We have no idea how this season is going to end.

While Quinn AND CARRIE were both stopped before killing Haqqani themselves, perhaps the biggest surprise of the night came when we saw that Dar Adal has been working with the terrorist in some fashion.

Carrie finds Quinn, Quinn finds Haqqani

The heat was turned up on Quinn at the start of Homeland season 4, episode 11. Khan warns Carrie that they’re looking for Quinn and plan to kill him when he’s found. Meanwhile, inside the embassy, Carrie doesn’t give two craps about their shutdown plan in light of what happened last week. She has just one thing on her to-do list: Find Quinn.

When we first see him this episode, the rogue agent is entering a house. He’s enlisted a woman from the German embassy to help him use the phones he grabbed from Haqqani’s men to track down additional phones.

It doesn’t take too long for Carrie to find Quinn, or for Quinn to find Haqqani.

First, Carrie goes to the house where Max thinks he is. She’s greeted by the woman from the German embassy, who denies he’s there. After Carrie leaves, the woman presents some data about Haqqani’s whereabouts thanks to those cell phones he collected.

Some drops of water on the floor made Carrie realize he is there, and sure enough, she catches up with him in the parking lot. Begging him to stop doesn’t do the trick — and when two men with Carrie try to stop him from going anywhere, he shoots them in the leg point blank. This guy is not stopping at anything.

Back at the embassy, Max informs Carrie that her sister has been trying to call. Why? Carrie’s father died in his sleep — a “massive stroke” — and very likely added to the show’s plot line because the actor who played him, James Rebhorn, died in real life in March of this year. She Skypes again with her sister later and also gets some time with her daughter Frannie.

Quinn heads to Haqqani’s compound and snaps some photos of the ground on the outside perimeter. Later that night, we learn his plan is to create a bomb that he will lure Haqqani to. How’s he going to do that? He enlists Aayan’s sorta-kinda old girlfriend to help leak video of Haqqani shooting Aayan in order to flush him out of his compound. The ISI learn of the protests that are sparked because of the clip and set up a counter protest to push them back. Carrie and her team learn of what’s going on as well, and head to the protests in search of Quinn.

The almost-takedown

With fights beginning to break out, Quinn places his pipe bomb underneath a drain that Haqqani will be driving over when they take him out of the compound.

But as Quinn walks away so he can trigger the bomb from a distance, Carrie walks toward the bomb (we assume she assumed Quinn placed it right at the exit where he knew Haqqani would be driving).

The intensity builds for viewers as we watch Quinn position himself at a lookout site while Carrie stands within the crowd. She then, ridiculously, stands on top of the bomb’s location just as we see Haqqani beginning to exit.

She calls Quinn and reminds him that there’s no way he’d get away with this. “I don’t want to lose you,” she tells him after refusing to step away from the bomb.

…But then, Carrie gets an idea of her own.

The twist

Aayan’s murder flashes before her eyes, and she pulls out her gun to kill Haqqani herself. Khan stops her right before she pulls the trigger. “Look who’s in the car with him,” he says.

Dar Adal.

In a phone call with Lockhart earlier in the episode we learned that the CIA director is about to be replaced, and he thought something was “up” within the government. This Dar Adal twist must’ve been what the writers were alluding to.

The question is, what could Dar Adal be up to? In a preview for next Sunday’s season finale, we see Carrie meeting with the traitor face-to-face. It certainly explains why he’s been so absent this season, though we assumed the showrunners just didn’t have anything to do with him.

We wouldn’t have minded seeing Carrie kill Haqqani right there. It would’ve caused mayhem, and next week we could’ve watched as she and Quinn tried to make their way out of the country.

Then again, it’ll be interesting to see this Dar Adal twist play out. Is he truly working against America, or is he pretending to cooperate with Haqqani so they can kill him?

The last time we saw Dar Adal was in episode 3 when Quinn put him in a choke hold after the CIA black ops director asked if he can still keep himself together. We can’t see how that scene may hint at what Dar Adal is up to, so we can’t wait to see what happens next week.

What did you think of ‘Homeland’ season 4, episode 11?

The Homeland season 4 finale airs Sunday, December 21 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific on Showtime.