Today, Publisher’s Weekly featured the self-published novel Fifty Shades of Grey, stating that there was high interest from Hollywood.  However what the article fails to mention is that the novel was originally posted as a Twilight fanfiction.

From Publishers Weekly:

An insider said the series, called Fifty Shades of Grey (which is also the title of the first book), is “being compared to Nine and a Half Weeks” and is making the rounds among producers in Los Angeles. Author E.L. James published the books without an agent through a small former writers community called The Writer’s Coffee Shop, and told PWshe has sold approximately 30,000 copies since releasing the first book in May, 2011.

The story was originally posted on fanfic sites under the title Master of the Universe. The fanfic has been removed and the names changed so that the story could be published in book form.

The question remains are there copyright issues with this work? Tell us what you think about fan-fiction being published or possibly optioned? Is it legal or ethical?