With the release of Black Heart only a few months away the Curse Worker series has a new look and to be honest I’m not sure if I like it. Check them out below and tell us what you think.

White Cat New and Original

Red Glove New and Original

The Cover for Black Heart which releases on April 3rd.

I personally liked the original covers better for the story. I feel like the new covers, while gorgeous, don’t represent the story. The story is about a cons, curse workers and crime families, somehow the vivid colors of the new covers feel wrong when you know the contents of the book. The other issue I have with the cover change is that even though the contents of the books would appeal to all readers the covers now appeal much more to females. Trust me I have a much more difficult time getting males to read a book if they feel the covers are ‘girly.’

So what do you think about the cover switch?