You know what your Hogwarts House is, now find out which House your pet belongs in!

You love your pet. It’s your baby. Even if you have a real human baby, your fluffy/scaly friend is still your baby too. You’d do everything for them, spoil them just as much as you would your child. If not more so. They are part of your family.

It’s also true that you’ve taken every sorting quiz imaginable and probably know what percentage of each House you represent. You’ve sorted your friends to know which ones deserve your friendship, and which ones need to be unfriended on Facebook. You’ve sorted the members of your family to know which ones need to be disinherited (kidding! Sort of.) You’ve even sorted yourself to find out which Hybrid Hogwarts House you’re in. But what about your pet? You consider them a member of your family, but have you sorted them?

Don’t panic, we have your back! No more stressing trying to figure out which Hogwarts House your pet belongs in. No more trying to guess how to answer human questions for your pet. We have a sorting quiz tailored just for pets, whether you have a dog, cat, hamster, bird, rabbit, you name it!

It’s often said that a pet’s personality reflects that of the owner, so that would mean your pet would have the same Hogwarts House as you, right? Well there’s only one way to find out! Take our quiz below, and let us what House your pet is assigned to!

Which House did your pet get? Is it the same as yours?