How I Met Your Mother season 9, episode 8, “The Lighthouse” airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET on CBS, and we will be getting our first look of the eponymous mother since the season premiere.

Tonight on How I Met Your Mother, viewers will get what TV Guide calls a “significant flash forward” featuring Christin Miloti as Ted’s future wife. So be sure to stick around until the end.

But before that there are plenty more wedding hijinx back in present time.

After taking an episode off to help Marshall, Robin is back at war with Barney’s mom. The theater of said war, like so many other sad human conflicts of course, is going to be a scrambled egg making contest. We hope no one gets hurt.

Marshall and his travel buddy Daphne will make a pit stop in Ohio to visit Ted’s family. They’ll also be receiving a stowaway. Maybe Ted’s mom just absolutely has to see Barney’s wedding. More importantly, we now know it took Marshall and Daphne eight episodes to drive the 12 hours from St. Cloud to Cleveland. Following that logic, it should take 6 more episodes for them to drive the eight remaining hours to Long Island.

Finally, the name of the episode comes from Ted’s storyline where Ted and Cassie (Anna Camp), the woman who Ted “chose poorly” in episode 6, “Knight Vision,” visit a lighthouse. Maybe the location will have significance for Ted and his future wife.

Watch Season 9 of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Online

CBS does offer a free, legal replay of How I Met Your Mother episodes on their website to watch online the morning after an episode airs. Their video player can get a little spotty, but it’s hard to beat that low, low cost of free. iTunes also offers How I Met Your Mother episodes for purchase, but currently does not have a season pass option set up.