How I Met Your Mother season 9, episode 15, “Unpause”  airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. Marshall and Lily “unpause” to have the biggest Erickson battle in HIMYM history.

Last week’s HIMYM was a fun (though many would say controversial) diversion from the season-long wedding plot into slap-dom. This week’s episode, “Unpause” will pick up where December 16’s “Bass Player Wanted” left-off: with Marshall and Lily in conflict.

Marshall and Lily immediately “paused” the discussion of Marshall taking a position as a judge without Lily’s knowledge just to enjoy being back in each other’s presence but a “pause” can’t last forever. One way or another, Marshall and Lily will have to share an uncomfortable conversation tonight.

In happier news, Barney is going to get very, very drunk. Or “truth serum drunk” as Ted helpfully offers.

With Barney Stinson there is always a chance that there’s a long con at foot, but maybe he’s really just slipped up this time. If so, we hope Ted and Robin think to ask him what he does for a living.

We will also get another piece of the show’s overarching mythology tonight as Ted and the Mother’s future children’s names will finally be revealed. Start placing your bets now. Though if Ted didn’t want his daughter to share a name with one of his exes, his options are extremely limited.

Photos from HIMYM season 9, episode 15: Barney wears actual beer goggles

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Watch season 9 of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ online

CBS does offer a free, legal replay of How I Met Your Mother episodes on their website to watch online the morning after an episode airs. Their video player can get a little spotty, but it’s hard to beat that low, low cost of free. iTunes also offers How I Met Your Mother episodes for purchase, but currently does not have a season pass option set up.