Cloak & Dagger is finally back for season 2 on April 4! The Marvel TV series thrilled fans last year by bringing this comic to life and making necessary adjustments to Tyrone “Cloak” Johnson and Tandy “Dagger” Bowen’s characterization to elevate their stories.

The show kept a tight, steady pace throughout its 10-episode first season and gave fans a major cliffhanger that promises mayhem in more ways than one this season. Cloak and Dagger are officially full-on heroes who are ready to take on anyone who wreaks havoc on New Orleans.

Cloak & Dagger season 1 ended way back in August 2018, so fans might be a little fuzzy about everything that went down. Yeah, bingeing is awesome, but some people just don’t have the time to re-watch 10 hours of TV in one week on top of keeping up with other shows.

Or, perhaps a few viewers want to jump into season 2 and don’t have the time to catch the first season. If these descriptions fit you, don’t worry — we got you covered. Here’s a quick rundown of Cloak & Dagger season 1:

Tandy and Ty came together by fate and tragedy eight years prior to Season 1’s events. A Roxxon oil rig explosion sent young Tandy and her father Nathan crashing into the gulf with water spilling into their vehicle.

Nathan died, but Tandy was saved by Tyrone, who had jumped in the water to rescue his brother Billy, who was shot by a police office. The energy in the water caused them to have dormant powers that were re-activated years later when they had a chance encounter at a party.

Tandy discovered she could create daggers of light and see others’ hopes with a simple touch while Tyrone found he could teleport and tap into a person’s darkest fears. As you’d expect from teenagers, both of them start to use their powers dangerously, with Tandy robbing weddings and men while Tyrone chases the very-evil Detective Connors — the same person who killed his brother years prior.

Tyrone meets a classmate named Evita whose voodoo priestess aunt puts him into a trance state that affects both him and Tandy. They discover each other’s core wounds and decide to finally talk about their connection after several strange encounters.

The duo doesn’t quite gel because they are indeed super different. Tandy is a white, attractive blond girl who points out Tyrone’s financial privilege, which she no longer has after her father’s death. Tyrone, a Black boy, rightfully calls out her white privilege because, ya know, socioeconomic status doesn’t protect him from racism.

They go their separate ways with Tyrone discovering that his father and older brother were a part of a Mardi Gras tribe that made incredible regalia. He discovers Billy’s unfinished cloak (hello, costume) and pledges to finish it.

Meanwhile, Tandy has a rough night when she witnesses her mom’s (Melissa) married boyfriend Greg’s assassination by a Roxxon employee. It turns out Greg has been helping Melissa with clearing Nathan’s name at the company, where he worked as a scientist and was unfairly blamed for the explosion by Roxxon CEO Peter Scarborough.

Of course, Tandy takes the files and discovers that her father worked closely with a man named Ivan Hess. The ever-sneaky con-artist took on a Roxxon internship and met Mina, Ivan’s brilliant daughter and Roxxon environmental engineer, who quickly sniffed out Tandy’s ulterior motives but forgives her anyway.

Tandy finds out that Ivan is still alive but he’s in a catatonic state after being on-site of the explosion. During these events, Tyrone pleads with O’Reilly, a cop who’s shady but not evil like Connors, to help him bring the truth to light.

She agrees to help if he stays away, but Tyrone goes off to meet with Billy’s friend Duane to see if he knows any information from that night. It’s revealed that Duane witnessed the fatal shooting from the shadows, but he’s still working with Connors to distribute drugs. Yikes.

Duane brings Tyrone under his wing and takes him to meet Connors (without knowing Tyrone’s true intentions) and things go awry when Connors concocts a scene to force O’Reilly to shoot and kill Duane. Tyrone is discovered and teleports to escape.

Evita and her aunt piece together the truth about Tyrone and Tandy, calling them the latest iteration of the “Divine Pairing” — two people who are brought together to save others. The problem? One of the pair always ends up dying.

Tyrone and Tandy finally come together for a mission to go into Ivan’s mind for answers. They realize he has been living the explosion over and over again in a time loop and have to work together to kill employees who were turned into psychotic murderers because of the explosion’s energy and help Ivan reclaim his memories.

When he finally wakes up, he doesn’t remember them, but he does reunite with Mina. He tells Tandy there is evidence to clear both his and Nathan’s names in a safety deposit box.

She breaks into Roxxon and confronts Scarborough, who offers her a deal to destroy the evidence in favor of a monetary bribe. Tandy refuses, but chances her mind when she goes into her mother’s memories and discovers that her dad was physically abusive.

Tyrone, on the other hand, gets the brilliant idea to use Billy’s cloak, a replica of his shirt, and teleportation to haunt Connors into a confession, which O’Reilly catches on tape. Connors is arrested but O’Reilly’s police officer boyfriend Fuchs is murdered in retaliation.

Tyrone’s parents react stoically to Connors’ arrest, which angers him until he realizes his mother’s concern about him becoming a police target. Her fears are realized when he is framed for Fuchs’ murder and forced to go on the run.

Evita, who is in a relationship with Tyrone, discovers that Tandy is his Divine Pair and shows off some skills of her own. Tandy has been on a rampage stealing others’ hopes, but Evita has the power to stop her within her own dreams.

Ty and Tandy argue about her hope-stealing activities but soon reconcile when an energy leak starts to affect people similar to how they were in Ivan’s dreams.

In the end, Tandy puts Scarborough’s mind in a catatonic state, Mina gets infected and has an unconfirmed fate, O’Reilly is shot by Connors, and Tyrone exacts his revenge by absorbing Connors into a dark realm within his cloak. The pair combine their powers inside the energy leak core to absorb everything and release it into the sky.

Roxxon gets their proper blame and Tandy finally reconciles with her estranged mom. Tyrone takes over Tandy’s squatting spot because he’s still wanted for murder and starts a new life as a fugitive.

The biggest shock of all came in the final moments of the season finale when O’Reilly seems to rise from the dead and looks into the camera. She’s clearly a mutant on a path of destruction for Season 2.

So, there you have it! Cloak & Dagger returns to Freeform on April 4 to continue this epic saga.