Hemlock Grove is not for the faint of heart, and it’s not going to be a show that everyone loves. But there is something very unique about it, and we’re here to help you decide if it’s something you need to watch or avoid.

One of Netflix’s newest investments into original content is Hemlock Grove. The plot summary as displayed on the popular website: In the shadows of a rusted Pennsylvania steel town, the mangled body of a teenage girl is discovered. As they hunt for a monster among them, rumors mount and many of the eccentric residents become suspects, from the newly arrived gypsy family to the wealthy Godfrey clan. In the twisted world of Hemlock Grove, everyone hides a dark secret.

A pretty generic outline on paper and one many people may look over or disregard. But since the show has been revealed, the buzz surrounding it has been increasing. So, we put together a list of reasons to help you decide whether or not Hemlock Grove is a show you should check out.

Watch ‘Hemlock Grove’ If:

You like old school monster movies

One of the most useful descriptions we’ve found to explain Hemlock Grove is to relate it to a modern day monster movie. The show is quaint and has a very unique tone because of how it mixes so many different elements. Not to mention, Netflix isn’t rolling around in cash here. You can tell that the special effects are used sparingly. And this slightly ‘spread too thin’ effect gives it an underdog vibe. Like many of the cult classic C-List monster movies, this slightly pathetic display is charming and just makes you love the show even more. Having less money actually seems to work in its favor.

Appreciate folklore

These days it seems as though you can trip and fall over a werewolf or vampire by just turning on the TV or opening a magazine. But on Hemlock Grove, they’ve really managed to reinvent things. Not by making up new mythology but simply by reintroducing old story elements lost to time. For instance – Gypsies. Historically gypsies were intrinsically tied to werewolves. They were in fact responsible for spreading the mythos and making the tale so widespread. But you don’t really see these characters anywhere anymore and Hemlock Grove has totally taken advantage of this missing element. And that is only one example. The whole show plays homage to all the myths, archetypes, and tales that come before it.

Enjoy overlapping genres

Technically Hemlock Grove falls into the Horror, Sci-fy, Thriller genres. But this show does a good job at erasing every line it comes across. There is the blend between science fiction and fantasy with mad scientists who create Dr. Frankenstein-like monsters and Gypsies who channel dead spirits. Then there’s the blend between thriller and horror with werewolves that shift under the full moon for mindless killing sprees and secret societies designed to take out these beings. And there’s also the Revenge meets Dawson’s Creak vibe with the family on top of the hill interacting with the boy on the wrong side of the tracks. On paper, it looks like an absolute mess, but again there’s something unapologetic about the fearless mixing that makes the weirdness acceptable. Enjoyable even; to those who can let go of original constraints of course.

Avoid ‘Hemlock Grove’ If:

You have a weak stomach

This is where we get to the gory side of Hemlock Grove, and if you aren’t into this type of thing, there’s really no point in watching the show. But don’t get us wrong. We’re not really talking about Texas Chainsaw Massacre gore – though there is a bit of that. It’s more disgusting than it is violent. For instance, within the first season someone is vomiting in 70% of the episodes. Between that and maggots, and perhaps the most graphic werewolf transformation seen to date, audiences will need to prepare themselves for some seriously stomach turning scenes. Which means if this isn’t your cup of tea, then don’t force yourself to watch.

Dislike murder mysteries

If you’re the type that is cool with tension, drama, and veiled sources of threat then Hemlock Grove is for you. If not, then this is probably isn’t going to be your perfect match. Having a strong need for resolution isn’t going to do you much good with a show like this. For instance, Lost tended to answer questions with more questions. And although Hemlock Grove doesn’t go quite that far into tangling their web of intrigue, there is an element of constant suspicion. You’re never quite sure who to trust, the people you expect to love disappoint you, and the cold hearted ‘villains’ have a surprisingly natural depth.

Enjoy a tight plot structure

Hemlock Grove isn’t the most refined show in the world. It’s messy, and you always walk away a little unsure as to what it is you just watched. Thoroughly entertaining, yet if you were forced to sit down and explain what just happened, you might have some difficulty. Again though, this is a perception thing. If this is something that bothers you, then the show is destined to grate on your nerves. But if you’re ok with sacrificing a bit of well defined plot to see amusing characters in surprising and shocking situations, then it’s not going to be a big issue.

Will you be watching ‘Hemlock Grove’?

On the whole, Hemlock Grove is just a different kind of show. It’s different without being so out there that it’s unrecognizable. But it is still grounded in enough mainstream folklore that everyday people can fallow along and enjoy. We will say this though, on the whole, the show is still trying to find its feet. The characters, their relationships, and the overall weirdness is enough to keep people interested. But eventually that will get static and without a more defined story, the show is going to lose its magic.