The writer of the as-of-yet unreleased Thor: Ragnarok is taking a crack at the He-Man script.

Christopher Yost is really upping his superhero cred these days.

Yost started as a writer on animated shows like X-Men: Evolution, The Batman, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and went on to work on Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World.

He is currently working on Thor: Ragnarok, which he is co-writing with Craig Kyle.

And now, Yost will begin a script overhaul for He-Man, Sony and Escape Artists’ Masters of the Universe reboot.

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Previous versions were written by Terry Rossio and Jeff Wadlow, but it’s standard practice for these big movies to cycle through several screenwriters until the director and/or studio get the result they’re looking for.

He-Man is a character in DC Comics’ Masters of the Universe series, who received his own spin-off series in the 1980s. He has also been used in Marvel series.

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His story takes place on the fictional planet of Eternia, which has been demolished by a Great War. The barbaric He-Man is the alter-ego of Prince Adam, who wanders the planet aimlessly until he is called upon to defeat the evil warlord Skeletor.

He-Man is granted powers by a sorceress, and sets out to protect the ancient Castle Grayskull with the help of various allies.

This movie does not yet have a release date, director, or actors attached.

Of course, the big question now is: are there any bulky actors named Chris left in Hollywood to take on the titular role?