When a fan asked Agent Carter star Hayley Atwell if she would be interested in appearing on the BBC hit Doctor Who, the actress took her answer into our wildest dreams.

Twitter user Mia recently asked Hayley, “Would you like to be on Doctor Who??” to which Hayley Atwell replied, “I want to BE Doctor Who.”

Naturally the tweet went viral for several reasons: 1) Hayley Atwell is awesome, 2) The Doctor desperately needs to regenerate into someone who’s not a white male, and 3) … Have we mentioned Hayley is awesome?

We have no idea how long the current Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi, will remain as the lead. The actor is about to start his second season as the Doctor, and if recent history is any indication, he’ll probably be around for at least a couple of more years.

With every passing Doctor there is more and more pressure for Steven Moffat and company to do something different (see item 2 above), so maybe the showrunners should look strictly at females next time around.

As badly as Hayley Atwell may want the gig, it may not work out in the near term. The actress is currently tied up with Agent Carter and her appearances in Marvel movies including next year’s Captain America: Civil War.

Doctor Who series 9 premieres in exactly one month, and luckily for all of us, the new series will have a nice boost of girl power: Game of Thrones alum Maisie Williams has a prominent role in the new season (hit the link to see a trailer).

Do you think Hayley Atwell would make for a great Doctor?

If you need more Hayley, be sure to check out Agent Carter season 2 when it premieres in early 2016 (during Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s midseason break). Or go see Ant-Man right now.