As we all eagerly await an announcement concerning the Wizarding World of Harry Potter’s Orlando expansion, here’s some information to chew on.

The good people at Screamscape, a reliable source for theme park information, has heard from one of their sources that an announcement concerning the Wizarding World of Harry Potter‘s rumored Diagon Alley and London waterfront could arrive in five to six weeks.

That means the Harry Potter Wizarding World expansion announcement – which we hope will include celebration festivities and concept art – may be made in mid to late June.

Rumors say that the Orlando Wizarding World expansion will feature Diagon Alley, a London waterfront, a working Hogswarts Express, and a Gringotts thrill ride. The latest construction photos, which we shared with you last week, depict a lot of progress on the new land.

Other sources say that the new land is scheduled to open in June 2014. This time frame could change depending on any construction delays. We’ve been clamoring for an announcement for some time due to our combined love of theme parks and Harry Potter.

Universal has only confirmed that an expansion is in the works (way back in December 2011). We haven’t heard a peep out of the theme park since then. Meanwhile, last week we learned that construction on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hollywood will begin this summer.

As always, we’ll keep you updated!

Thanks, Screamscape.