As we continue to celebrate Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’s 20th anniversary, it’s important to thank all the little people who helped him along the way.

Albus Dumbledore and Sirius Black were two of Harry Potter’s biggest mentors. And we can’t forget Hagrid or McGonnagall or Remus Lupin. Nor can we ignore Ron and Hermione’s impact on the boy wizard’s life. Not to mention the countless other minor characters through the series.

But what about all those who who appeared and disappeared in Philosopher’s Stone in the blink of an eye? Those who were given a sentence, maybe two, also helped steer Harry in the right direction. Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? Perhaps if Harry had never gotten that lemon ice pop on page 26 he wouldn’t have been able to go on to defeat Lord Voldemort.

Thankfully, we’ll never know if that’s true or not. But the real thanks should be given to these minor characters from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Thank you to…

  1. …the man in the emerald-green cloak who had the nerve to be a little different. Any opportunity taken to enrage Vernon Dursley is time well-spent.
  2. …the wizard with the squeaky voice who hugged Mr. Dursley and made him regret ever leaving his house the morning Voldemort was defeated.
  3. …Mrs. Next Door who had problems with her daughter. We know you were merely the subject of Petunia’s gossip, but you helped lull the Dursleys into a false sense of security before their world was turned upside down.
  4. …Jim McGuffin, the weatherman, who reported on the downpour of shooting stars. It’s thanks to you that Mr. Dursley had to tell his wife what happened to him that morning, thereby souring both of their days. Also: kudos on getting a name.
  5. …Yvonne, Petunia’s what’s-her-name friend who was on vacation in Majorca. You were just part of the reason why Harry was able to go to the zoo that day.
  6. …the smiling lady in the van who’d asked Harry what ice cream he wanted before the Dursleys could walk away. You made his day a little brighter, and for that we are grateful.
  7. …the zoo director who had no idea how the glass on the snake enclosure disappeared. If you hadn’t made Aunt Petunia that cup of strong, sweet tea, it’s possible she’d have died right on the spot. (Not so horrible, I know, but remember — Butterfly Effect.)
  8. …the owner of the Railview Hotel, who delivered about 100 of Harry’s letters to the Dursleys. Your efforts were in vain, but appreciated nonetheless.
  9. …the toothless old man who lent Mr. Dursley the old rowboat that led them to the hut on the rock in the middle of the sea. That is where it all would begin.
  10. …the plump woman outside an Apothecary who was complaining about how expensive dragon liver was. Perhaps you helped Harry become a little more frugal in his life. He’d need that one day. Children are expensive.
  11. …Mrs. Weasley’s second cousin. It’s true you probably know nothing about your extended family, but we’d like to think you helped egg on Mr. Weasley’s interest in Muggles, and we all know how that impacts Harry in the future. (See: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter Five)
  12. …Charlie’s friends who were a cheery lot and helped Norbert escape from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If Harry hadn’t gotten detention for being in the tower after hours, he may never have seen Voldemort for the first time or met any of the centaurs.

There you have it. Twelve(!) background characters who shaped Harry Potter’s life. To you, we have only one thing to say: