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The arguments and controversy sparked by the ‘Harry Potter’ novels are nothing new to the hardened fandom, yet one Catholic exorcist has gone a step further, and is now saying that the books are as evil as… well, yoga!

Reading JK Rowling’s books is no less dangerous than practising the exercise, he says. Calling the activity satanic, and something which will lead to as much evil as reading the Literary classics. “In Harry Potter the Devil acts in a crafty and covert manner, under the guise of extraordinary powers, magic spells and curses,” “Satan is always hidden and what he most wants is for us not to believe in his existence. He studies every one of us and our tendencies towards good and evil, and then he offers temptations”.

JK Rowling, having recently been present in court to give evidence against the Media, has previously dismissed such claims as nonsense, although in an interview once suggested (perhaps in a slightly satirical fashion) that she felt honoured to have her books banned for similar reasoning as that expressed by this gentleman, saying that she was pleased as it had landed her alongside other Literary greats whom had also been banned for controversial material.

What do you think? Is this just another slate on the Series? Or do the statements bear some truth?