We’re pleased to be the first to reveal one Harry Potter-themed presence at this year’s Comic-Con San Diego: a fan panel with yours truly on it!

“15 Years since Philosopher’s Stone: The Harry Potter Fandom in 2012” will look at where our beloved fandom stands today and where it’s headed. Below is the official description:

Seven books from J.K. Rowling – or ten, depending on how you count – plus hundreds of thousands of fanfics. Eight studio movies – plus dozens of popular fanfilms, musicals and songs. One theme park – but soon there’ll be three or more! An international museum exhibition – and piles of fan-made shirts, crafts, fanart, CDs and DVDs. An encyclopedic website – and fancons, fan-made wikis and history courses on the impact of the Harry Potter fandom. We’ll look back at 15 years of the Harry Potter fandom, and try to predict – better than Trelawney did! – where we go from here.

The panel will take place Sunday, July 15 at 4 p.m. (PT). A specific room will be announced closer to the event. Panelists include myself, Heidi Tandy of HPEF, Alex Carpenter (formerly of the Wizard Rock band The Remus Lupins), Airemay of Fiction Alley, Julia Thomas of the International Quidditch Association, the girls from The Hillywood Show, and Jarrod Perkins (Gred & Forge, Harry Potter Alliance), Joey Richter (Team StarKid).

Bring your scarves, wands, and questions about the Potter fandom – we can’t wait to host a chat on our favorite subject! Tickets for Comic-Con San Diego are sold out. So if you’re already registered, we hope to see you!