Attention Harry Potter fans.

I count myself among you. I have read all the books many times, own all the movies, the cookbook, the pop-up books, and I am saving up for a trip to Universal Studios Orlando.

But as I wait for Pottermore to work and J.K. Rowling to release a new book, I have been searching for something that would touch my heart and soul the way Harry Potter did. I have read many YA books without finding it.

So who could have guessed that this March 2012, I would go to the movies and see a film I knew next to nothing about and find what I was looking for. The name of the movie was John Carter. The source material called Princess of Mars was written 100 years ago in 1912 by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The movie is wonderful to me because it contains themes so prevalent in the Harry Potter books.

– The reluctant hero haunted by the death of his loved ones.
– He finds himself in a new world, with new powers and strange creatures.
– There is expectation that he should join their cause, like a chosen one.
– The only way to succeed is to seek the help of friends.
– Loyalties, friendship, courage, compassion, honor and finally love.
– Interplanetary Epic Love.
– The score by Michael Giacchino is reminiscent of John Williams’ Harry Potter scores.
– I was swept to Barsoom (Mars).

Having come from the best fandom on the face of the earth, Harry Potter, it is different to be on ground zero of a new fandom. I hope you have seen the movie and love it as I do. If you haven’t seen it, the DVD/Blu-ray will be out June 5, 2012.

As Albus Dumbledore said:

“It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.”

He might have been talking about John Carter.