Still upset that Hannibal ended last night? Watch the first look at the Hannibal season 3 gag reel to help ease the pain!

The dread has begun to set in, hasn’t it? Hannibal is over.

Hannibal‘s season 3, and likely series, finale pushed fans over the edge as they witnessed the final chapter of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter’s story. In addition to closing the Red Dragon arc, Hannibal tied up plenty of loose ends and gave every character, even Brian and Jimmy, a proper send off.

The DeLaurentiis Company, the production team behind Hannibal, posted the first look at the Hannibal season 3 gag reel following the series finale. They dedicated it to the entire Hannibal family saying,

To Hannibal, the Series:

A tribute to the long hours spent on set, to the creative energy that guided three seasons of groundbreaking television, to memories made and a bloody good time had by all, and most importantly, a tribute to everyone who made the past three seasons of Hannibal a reality.

Bon Appétit!

Related: Hannibal season 3, episode 13 recap: Who holds the devil?

Watch the first minute of the gag reel here.

Even when he is reduced to a pile of charred flesh, Dr. Chilton manages to get the last laugh of the series.

Hopefully this short clip left you feeling a bit better than you did a minute ago! You can always rewatch the entire series and once more follow Hannibal, Will, Alana, and Jack back to the home of Abigail Hobbs where it all began.

What did you think of the ‘Hannibal’ season 3 finale?