Hannibal season 3, episode 8 jumps three years tonight and asks Will to revisit his past.

How much can time must pass before the past can truly be forgotten? As the Red Dragon prepares to descend upon Hannibal season 3, Hannibal prepares for Will to arrive once more, asking to walk back into the shared halls of their memory palace.

Previously on ‘Hannibal’

Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham approached the trial for their lives in the custody of Mason Verger. While Hannibal undergoes the branding and preparation to be served as the main course, Alana and Margot unleashed their own plan to save themselves and Will. The main component to ensure his safe escape and Margot’s future was to unleash Hannibal and watch him work.

Once Hannibal took Will away, they sat down for one final session. Reversing time, as hard as Hannibal tries, is impossible. Will finally recognizes that their tea cup can never be repaired. Will’s one final request, that Hannibal disappear and leave Will’s life forever, is too great a favor for Hannibal to fulfill and he surrenders to the FBI. Hannibal ensures that Will will always know where to find him.

ICYMI: Hannibal season 3, episode 7 recap: Nakama

This week on ‘Hannibal’

Francis Dolarhyde comes out to play on tonight’s Hannibal. Three years after the events of “Digestivo,” Will Graham is called upon by the FBI to return for one more criminal profile. But with a wife and family settled and Hannibal far from his mind, returning to that world is not ideal. However, the curious case of the man known to the feds as “The Tooth Fairy,” presents an interesting enough pull to bring him back to Hannibal’s side to awaken his mind.

Related: Profile of a killer: Get to know Hannibal’s Red Dragon

Watch Hannibal season 3, episode 8, “The Great Red Dragon,” tonight at 10:00 p.m. ET on NBC.