The first encounter in Florence plays out when Hannibal and Jack meet again. Find out who else arrived in our recap.

After last week’s return to the U.S. tossed Hannibal aside save a few seconds here and there, tonight’s Hannibal season 3, episode 5, “Contorno,” brought the doctor back into the spotlight. This time, however, he was not theorizing what scenarios awaited him across the seas. It’s the beginning of the end for Hannibal’s European adventure.

Before we get to Hannibal’s grand return, let’s catch up with Will and Chiyoh, who are en route to Italy. Chiyoh delivers her backstory as the handmaid to Hannibal’s Japanese aunt Lady Murasaki. When she arrived at the Lecter estate, she was only greeted by an orphan boy named Hannibal who taught her as much, if not more, than Lady Murasaki. But as Will astutely points out, Hannibal does not teach so much as put on the guise of a mentor to aid those he finds in distress.

Hannibal’s side project in Lithuania came to an end two weeks ago when Chiyoh broke her strict rule against taking a life. It was as if Will’s mind ceased filtering Hannibal altogether and turned it over to autopilot. He presses her to mentally reach the place he was two seasons ago, constantly imagining himself killing Garret Jacob Hobbs over and over again. But she does not see herself killing the prisoner; she sees Will.

Nothing keeps the mood alive like talking about snails surviving digestion before enjoying them as a post-coital meal, right? Bedelia does not seem to mind as the two engage in yet another intimate conversation about life, regeneration, and, of course, Will Graham.

Across the city, another touching tribute takes place as Jack bids his final farewell to his wife Bella, returning her remains to the city where they met. Tossing his ring in the river, Jack walks away from one portion of his past in order to face another. At Inspector Pazzi’s home, Jack warns him that playing a game outside of the law can lead to a life consumed by poor choices and he risks losing everything. It is a game that Jack played. And he lost.

Aside from providing stunning exterior shots of Florence and Beldelia’s equally gorgeous wardrobe set against it, her weekly trips to the gourmet emporium, Vera Dal 1926, were intentional. Alana Bloom tracked the purchases linked to Hannibal’s specific tastes directly to the shop’s receipts. Her breakthrough in this moment was clouded by a particularly explicit line that even Bryan Fuller was shocked made it through the network’s censors. Mason is truly a pig.

As Will and Chiyoh inch closer to Florence, Will finds Chiyoh to be an interesting opposition to his story. For someone under Hannibal’s influence who is completely hollowed out, she is not as malleable as he thinks she is. If Will does not complete their journey and kill Hannibal, he risks becoming him. Chiyoh remains elusive of her intentions until night falls. Tactics other than violence exist for Chiyoh, as she shows Will by kissing him. But she understands that he only comprehends violence and pushes him over the edge of the train. But don’t worry, no one on this series whose name appears in the opening credits can die. (Apparently.)

By the end of tonight’s episode Hannibal may begin to rethink his decision to display torture devices. Inspector Pazzi enters the atrium looking for information regarding the missing professor and former curator. Sensing Pazzi’s epiphany, Hannibal distracts him with tales of his ancestors and their gruesome end after involvement in a conspiracy. Pazzi exits freely, but stops to call in the bounty line left by Verger.

Hannibal opts to play the piano that evening, hoping to elicit a memory. He explains to Bedelia that his encounter with Pazzi was not their first. In his younger days he met Pazzi in a gallery where they shared a mutual admiration of Botticelli’s Primavera. Hannibal did not act against their reunion outright, for there was still time for the Inspector to figure out his course of action. The glory that awaits a man who captures Hannibal Lecter has a short half-life. Hannibal suspects the wheels are just beginning to turn in Pazzi’s mind. Bedelia already knows the bounty that exists on her comrade’s head.

That bounty is 3 million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of Hannibal’s body to Mason Verger. First proof of his identity in the form of a fingerprint must be settled. Alana interrupts to ensure that Pazzi is aware he is selling Hannibal into torture and death. As long as the crime does not occur in Florence, he appears to have no trouble.

But as he goes to capture Hannibal’s prints with an impressive distraction of torture devices, he fails to recognize who he is up against. Waking up bound to a dolly, Hannibal explains that while the Inspector’s kidneys and liver are ready to eat that evening, the rest of his body needs to hang out for a while. Before he can send him over the edge, Hannibal confirms that Mason Verger is the one paying for his body and learns a bit more about who is working with him when Alana calls.

Hannibal apologizes for being otherwise occupied and finishes off by saying it was nice to hear her voice. Honoring the disgrace Pazzi’s family faced in the past, Hannibal decides to hang the Inspector with his bowels out. Slicing Pazzi’s abdomen, he hangs him over the edge, spilling his guts onto the concrete next to Jack Crawford.

Jack vs. Hannibal Round 2: Jack has the upper hand this time around, beating Hannibal badly before pushing him out the window. Fortunately, Pazzi’s body breaks some of the fall and he walks away. Jack put up a brilliant fight, but Hannibal is built to survive.

Next week is the moment we’ve all been waiting for — Will and Hannibal meet once again.

Watch Hannibal season 3, episode 6, “Dolce,” Thursday, July 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET on NBC.