Various marketing campaigns are getting underway in anticipation of The Hunger Games film release. We’ve seen the nail polish, and now we have an official, refreshing bottle of Hunger Games water created by a brand (not a chemical formula) called h2O.

From h2O’s announcement:

Refreshing Ideas, LLC, producers of the earth-friendly “h2O” natural spring water in an award-winning, renewable, aseptic package, have partnered with The Hunger Games, to be the official water of what will undoubtedly be one of the blockbuster movies for 2012.

You can see a picture of the water below. h2O’s blog promises giveaways. Perhaps this would’ve been better tied into the movie if the water was said to be from the same spring Katniss got her first water from during the games.

So, will you be purchasing this water? It will soon be available for ordering on Amazon. Thanks to The Hob for the tip.