While March 8 might seem really far away right now, at least the cast members haven’t forgotten about their fans! Fulfill that empty feeling with this video of holiday greetings and memories from the cast of Grimm.

Sasha Roiz, Silas Weir Mitchell, David Giuntoli, Russell, Hornsby, Bitsie Tulloch, and Clair Coffee wish all their fans Happy Holidays in this video put together by NBC.

Giuntoli takes the time to share one his favorite holiday memories with fans, and this is a story you don’t want to skip over. Giuntoli tells of a time when he was little his family took him and his little sister out to go look at holiday lights. When his family got home from looking at the lights they discovered that none other than Santa was bouncing around in their living room. Wide eyed they got to meet with him, give him cookies, and then take pictures with him. Only later to realize it was his drunk neighbor! At least it wasn’t a drunk Blutbad, am I right?

When we last saw Grimm in episode 2×12 “Season of the Hexenbeast” Nick had learned what happened between Juliette and Renard. Adalind returns and has Hank attacked so that he is put in the hospital. Once she is arrested she reveals to Nick that she is after the key he had been keeping safe. Together Monroe and Nick take on Adalind’s accompliances but they won’t give away who they were working for. At the end of the episode Renard has found Nick’s trailer full of his weapons and Grimm accessories.