It seems as though each week Nick has to go behind the backs of those around him in order to solve those cases involving creatures. The question is, will he be able to come clean about this double life he has been living?

Monroe has been a playing a big role in helping Nick with these cases, where as Hank is being left out. And often left to wonder where Nick is getting his information from. It looks as though something may be happening that Nick just can’t hide!

Entertainment Weekly writes:

I would love some Grimm scoop. — Sue

You’re going to find out very soon why Nick can’t tell others the truth about who he is, but not telling people is going to get harder and harder, according to EPs David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf. “Their partnership will be tested and its going to get to the point where some things are going to happen that are truly not easily explained to Hank. So we’re going to push it as far as we can and hold off as long as we can.”

Why do you think Nick can’t tell anyone the truth? What will that mean for his relationship with Juliette?