Check out these newly released stills for Grimm 2×08 “The Other Side” to get a peak at the latest mystery.

In “The Other Side” Nick and Hank will be investigating a murder of a high school academic decathlete. It looks as though this competition might be more dangerous than it seems when the detectives see how far the coaches and parents will go to boost their kids. Meanwhile, the witch will be back in action and making Renard’s life difficult as she makes an alliance with his family in Europe. Renard will also be trying to deal with his new found obsession with Juliette. Monroe will continue his work at the spice shop while Rosalee is out of town.

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The stills show Nick, Hank, and Juliette attending a function where Renard is receiving a Landmark Award (whatever that is). While Nick and Hank seem to be having a good time, this could only fuel the connection between Renard and Juliette. In episode 2×02 “The Kiss” Renard took a potion to make his heart pure so that his kiss would awaken her from her coma. Ever since then the pair have had an attraction for each other that is causing an obsession for Renard while it leaves Juliette confused. It also appears that we will be introduced to a new kind of Wesen creature.

“The Other Side” will air Oct 19 at 9 p.m. on NBC.