Grey’s Anatomy season 14 premieres next week! But first, catch up on what happened last season!

Alex vs. DeLuca

Alex beat up DeLuca and then brought him to the hospital. Meredith tried to protect Alex and coached him on what to do and what to say to people. The injuries were severe but not life threatening.

Meanwhile, Jo planned to leave and even started to pack up her things. When Stephanie caught Jo packing, the truth of what happened to DeLuca came out and started to spread. In the end, Alex confessed to the police about what happened and was placed under arrest.

While Alex was allowed to return to work while his trial was ongoing, he was banished to work in the clinic.

Love Triangle

Riggs and Meredith had a flirtmance going on for a while before they had a steamy hook-up that no one knew about. That caused trouble for Meredith when her sister Maggie started to catch feelings for Riggs.

Rather than tell Maggie the truth, Meredith decided to just tell Riggs to stay clear of her. Since Riggs was hung up on Meredith though, he turned down Maggie and everything got all messy from there.

Amelia & Owen

There was already trouble in paradise for Amelia and Owen. After rushing the wedding, Amelia started to worry that they don’t know enough about each other. She didn’t even know that he liked going to church. But it did bring them to admit some dark secrets that they had both been keeping hidden until then.

They also started to talk about trying to have a baby together. But then their first attempt to get pregnant reminded Amelia of the baby she lost and shut down. Eventually things got so tense with them that Amelia decided to call it quits and left.

Dr. Eliza Minnick

After Catherine and Bailey decided that the hospital’s training methods needed to be updated, they hired Minnick to come in and revamp everything. However, they didn’t warn anyone what was going to be happening.

All the doctors that had been trained by Weber weren’t happy to hear that he was being pushed out. Minnick’s methods also ruffled some feathers when the attending’s worried that some of the residents weren’t ready to perform in surgeries yet.

Meredith even ended up being suspended for refusing to follow Minnick’s new procedures.

Jo isn’t Jo

When Jo got called to testify in court about DeLuca and Alex’s trial she started to freak out. Under oath, Jo wouldn’t be able to keep her secrets hidden any longer.

She ended up admitting the truth to Alex that her real name isn’t Jo and she’s been on the run from her abusive husband — which is also why she couldn’t marry Alex.

Since Alex didn’t want to destroy Jo any more than he already did, he battled with whether or not to just plead guilty. If he did plead guilty to the case than Jo wouldn’t have to testify.

In the end he didn’t have to plead guilty because DeLuca dropped the case.

Maggie’s Mom

When Maggie’s mom Diane came to town for surgery it was revealed that she had cancer. Her relationship with Maggie was also kind of rocky so she ended up trying to keep it a secret.

Jackson didn’t feel right about doing the surgery on Diane until Maggie knew though, so the truth ended up coming out. Maggie didn’t want to believe it until she saw the scans. Then she obsessed with trying to find a way to cure the cancer.

It wasn’t until Weber talked to Diane and told her that some of Maggie’s ideas weren’t going to work out well for her that they seemed to accept it.

When Diane died, Jackson was the one to show Maggie that her mom knew about the diagnosis for a while and was able to finish her bucket list before she came to Seattle.


When Jackson and April went to another Avery hospital to see a patient they got another episode dedicated entirely to their relationship. They had been in a weird spot ever since their daughter was born and even though they lived together they weren’t really close anymore.

While on the trip, Jackson tracked down his father and decided to go see him. When Jackson finally got the courage to talk to him, he was disappointed that his father had zero regrest about leaving his family.

Still, they were able to save the patient that they went to go see and celebrated with a steamy hookup. Once they were back in Seattle, though, they did not get back together.

Meredith and Riggs

Even though Meredith seemed to want nothing to do with Riggs, he was persistent in trying to get her to go out with him. Eventually, Meredith couldn’t deny her feelings any longer and did agree to go out with him.

But when things with Maggie’s mom started to go downhill, Meredith put the brakes on her thing with Riggs again. Every time Meredith canceled on him bothered Riggs but he never seemed to give up.

The Truth

After Riggs and Meredith survived a disastrous flight together where they hit a ton of turbulence but had to help out with some medical emergencies, they become a couple for real.

Before they could tell Maggie about it, she figured it out on her own after watching them together at the press conference.

Maggie was pissed off to find out how long Meredith had been keeping her feelings for Riggs a secret. They fight, they cry, then they go out to dinner – so all and all not that bad of a fight.

Owen’s Sister

Owen randomly got some shocking news about his sister that totally messd with his mind. Amelia ended up having to help him out because he just couldn’t deal with it.

They learned that his sister was being held captive all these years and is being treated for her trauma. They make arrangements for her to be transferred with the help of Owen’s old friend Teddy.

When Riggs found out that Megan was alive, Meredith pretended to be happy for him but secretly she was crushed.


When a patient came in for injuries relating to a car crash, no one realized that he was dangerous.

By the time it was revealed that he was a rapist, the man had already tricked Stephanie into helping him get around the hospital. When they went into lockdown she was trapped with him, along with a little girl that had been wandering around without her family.

Stephanie made the bold decision to set him on fire when he was trying to set the sprinklers off, but it ended up causing an explosion as well. It almost seemed like they were going to die from the fire, but Stephanie found a way to keep them safe until the firefighters found them.

After this, Stephanie told Weber that she was going to leave her job at the hospital and go travel the world.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 14 premieres September 28 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC!