With Grey’s Anatomy heading back to season 1 this week, it’s time we look at our new favorite doctors in season 11 — Wilson and Edwards.

Up until last season, Meredith and Cristina were the doctors whose friendship ruled Grey’s Anatomy. There was never a question of whether Meredith or Cristina would turn to another person in a time of crisis. They were there for each other and for the audience for 11 seasons. Now that Cristina Yang is not longer in the picture, Meredith has floundered a bit in the friend department. The only remaining resident from her program is Alex and he is a bit hesitant to take the role of her “person.”

If we weed through all the nostalgia for time lost on Grey’s Anatomy, there is a promising future for the show. Grey Sloan Memorial went through many changes, including renaming, merging, and ultimately offering attending positions to its first batch of season one interns. By season 9 it was time for a new crop of interns to enter the building and pave their own path.

The members of the old guard still has plenty of stories left to tell, but a newer friendship calls back to season one and reminds us of the stories that are still important to tell. Do competitive battles for surgeries, drinking at Joe’s after hours, hooking up with attendings, and serving the best surgeons in the U.S. sound familiar? Just like George, Izzie, Alex, Meredith, and Cristina found their place in Seattle, Jo Wilson and Stephanie Edwards are finding theirs.

It’s hard to tell since the cast of Grey’s Anatomy drinks some magical elixir that causes them not to age, but Jo Wilson and Stephanie Edwards are both young interns completing their surgical rotation hours. Both doctors are in the position to learn, and learn as much as they can to advance their careers. Since Grey Sloan Memorial is a teaching hospital, they rotate between doctors sparking new relationships with the veteran members of the hospital as they move between disciplines.

Carrying on for 11 seasons may not be able to give Edwards and Wilson the story lines that were already assigned to the O’Malley’s and Stevens of 2005-2006. But, we would like to see Edwards and Wilson get involved in an ongoing story arc that places them together rather than as supporting players in other stories. Edwards served her time on Meredith’s trial and as Amelia’s right hand resident during Dr. Herman’s surgery. Wilson bounces around from ER to OR picking up cases here and there, while coming to terms with the reality of the career path she chose.

It may be too late for season 11, but season 12 and beyond may need a balance shift to promote the newer doctors, not just in a romantic entanglement sense, but professionally as well. Wilson is set with Alex, Edwards is over Jackson and trying to get past almost picking up a high school junior. Their medical triumphs and failures need to pull focus rather than carry on in the shadows of the other doctors.

All the ingredients for a Meredith-Cristina reboot are there, we just hope Grey’s Anatomy writers feed into it!

Watch Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 19, “Crazy Love,” Thursday, April 9 at 9:00 p.m. ET on ABC.