Grey’s Anatomy returns to ABC tonight with the mid-season premiere! Preview tonight’s all new episode and let us know what you’re excited to see.

After 10 long weeks, Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 9 is finally returning to television. On tonight’s episode, “Where Do We Go From Here?” change is sweeping through the hospital once more.

Previously on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Meredith seemed perfectly fine pushing her husband across the country, not unlike Ellis’ decision to walk away from Richard and his success. The flashbacks that spliced the winter finale reveal that Meredith is treading on the same path that pushed Ellis to greatness, but also cost her everything she loved.

April and Jackson’s bundle of joy is suffering from a disease that causes fragile bones. But before Arizona can address that secret, she has another undercover medical issue to worry about. Amelia’s analysis of Dr. Herman’s tumor may save the ailing doctor’s life.

Hazy on what happened in 2014? Check out our refresher guide: Everything you need to know before Grey’s Anatomy season 11 returns

This week on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

A case in the ER puts Alex and Bailey in close proximity for the first time since Bailey took the last seat on the board. With 11 seasons of history between the two doctors, can they find a way to push through this new obstacle? Callie and Hunt made huge strides in their robotic limb research at the close of the winter finale. It seems likely that Callie’s focus will turn away from her failures in the past and focus on making changes to better herself and the lives of the veterans.

There’s no shortage of drama to follow on tonight’s episode. Check out the official synopsis for more.

Synopsis: “As Derek prepares for his move to DC, Meredith keeps herself busy at the hospital. Meanwhile, Jackson and April deal with difficult news, and Arizona and Amelia discuss how to best approach Dr. Herman.”

Watch Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 9, “Where Do We Go From Here?” tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.

Are you looking forward to ‘Grey’s Anatomy’s’ return?