Owen’s mother is coming to visit on tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 17. Watch a preview here!

Derek makes it in the house on tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 17, “With or Without You.” But will what he has to say be enough to save his marriage?

Previously on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Meredith’s streak ticked up to 90 lives saved, but the attempts to save her relationship with Derek threatened to head south. No matter how many times she ran through the phone call with her colleagues, the doubt burrowing in her heart was justified when Derek returned home. Jo questioned whether she would be able to handle the lost causes as well as the victories that come with the job. It seems that Callie and Arizona are going to be able to carry on as friends after all.

Related: Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 16 recap: Conqueror of death

This week on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Owen gets a visit from his mother at work. But unlike the casual drop in that family tend to deliver, Mrs. Hunt is there to be treated for an illness. While Owen’s mother is not in the best shape, Derek and Meredith’s marriage could use a check up.

In a sneak peek clip from tonight’s episode, meet the woman who answered Derek’s phone!

Although in a second clip from this week’s episode, Derek’s tale may have a little more to back him up than Meredith is willing to give him credit for.

Related: Grey’s Anatomy season 11: Why Meredith and Derek are worth rooting for

Do you want to believe Derek?

Watch Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 17, “With or Without You,” tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.