Grey’s Anatomy tests everyone’s loyalties to projects, partners, and HR’s policies on tonight’s episode, “Throwing it All Away.” Check out our full recap below.

As most Grey’s Anatomy episodes before, tonight’s season 10, episode 15, “Throwing it All Away,” recap brings the doctors to face their own situations by speaking through their patients cases. See what an abandoned baby, a child wishing for double amputation, and an organ donor’s body are really saying about your favorite doctors!

Pediatric Abandonment: Alex faces suspension from a case of a child suffering from liver failure as a result of his indiscretion. Arizona’s own problems with HR arrive when she is ordered to give a statement on her relationship with Murphy. Derek receives some news from Washington that may take away his research with Callie. Weber takes Ross out from under his wing and tosses him back on Cristina’s service where he may actually learn something. Finally, Steph and Jo find a baby in a cardboard box outside of the hospital.

As Steph rushes through the hospital to help treat the box baby, who turns out to have a congenital heart condition, she smashes into Arizona and breaks her prosthetic leg. With her spare in place, Arizona squeaks around the hospital treating three different peds cases. First up, Cristina and Ross take on the box baby case, while she tends to one of Callie’s reoccurring orthopedic patients whose mind is set on double amputation.

This places Callie and Arizona on opposing sides of the girl’s case as well as an HR case. Derek walks in to talk to Callie, but finds her yelling about losing three years of investment trying to help a poor girl. Now may not be the right time to bring up losing their sensor research to Washington, DC.

Teach Me: Cristina recognizes that the best way to work with Ross, is to actually work with Ross. As they work to figure out all of box baby’s ailments, Cristina pushes Ross to explain the procedure, while making sure he realizes he is not like the baby; an object you can toss away because it is more trouble than it’s worth.

Downstairs, Jo’s organ donor needs to be monitored for six hours. Kepner deals with the donor’s best friend, and kidney donor, who wishes to have his kidney returned to him now that his friend did not live up to his end of the bargain. Alex walks in to talk with Jo, but is struck with an idea to use his ex-patient’s appendix to redirect the flow of toxins from his liver. He runs off to deliver the news to Meredith before he is hit with another HR suit.

His plan to get back in the surgical rotation backfires, when Hunt puts Meredith on the surgery. Alex wonders how Meredith sleeps with a doctor and receives a house and two great kids, but when he does it, he gets suspended.

Upstairs, Cristina rushes in to find Ross reviving the box baby who needs a new heart valve. He times the shock perfectly as to not place the infants life in further danger. Cristina congratulates him and they prepare to operate. During the procedure, Cristina takes a risk and asks him if he ever felt compromised. After he assures he did not, she warns him not to take a backseat. He is better than he gives himself credit for and in ten years he will be the one teaching interns. To ensure this, Cristina places his name on the baby’s surgery form so that when he returns in ten years, Ross will be the one to answer his questions.

How much more? Arizona wraps up her statement to HR to find out that the complaint was not lodged against her, but against Callie. Right before the news of Callie’s HR issues hit, Derek tells her that their research is over. As long as the NIH is funding the grant, the sensors are off limits to their work. Now, on top of that, Callie’s patient agrees to a double amputation with Arizona’s support and she must face disciplinary action due to her mistake of refusing to teach Murphy in a pivotal moment.

Alex and Jo have a way out of their predicament, but Alex worries that signing a love contract will bring more harm than good into his already twisted relationship. Steph and Jackson, fill out mutual HR forms for an unfortunate gurney incident, but the end their connection ends there. Steph finally had a taste of what it felt like to not be the best and she did not enjoy it.

Throw it away: Arizona’s topsy turvy day with a bum leg, reminds her that bigger issues still lie in wait at home. Two successful surgeries cannot glaze over the hurt Callie brings with the realization that Murphy is in the right for filing the complaint. All Arizona can muster out is an apology, but Callie does not have the ability to forgive any longer. Arizona built herself back from the shell of a person she became after the crash. While Callie seems to walk away from it all, she returns with Arizona’s wheelie shoes. It’s time to hold onto a few things from the past and begin a fresh start finding a way to work them in. Not everything is damaged goods.

Cristina goes to Hunt to throw around the hospital gossip of his break up. She does not use it vindictively, but as an inquiry following their “trailer incident.” She wants to know why he gave away everything he wanted for his future. Well, at least what Cristina believes he wanted. Hunt and Cristina leave the hospital looking like old pals, while he jibes her for seeking personal satisfaction from his “settling down.” Whether she wants him to be off the market, or actually happy, is still unclear.

Watch Grey’s Anatomy season 10, episode 16, “We Gotta Get Out of This Place,” Thursday, March 20 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC

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