Tonight’s TGIT includes Grey’s Anatomy 15×14, and How To Get Away With Murder 5×14. Here are our thoughts on what happened!

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ 15×14 ‘I Want A New Drug’:

Grey’s Anatomy 15×14 tackled the nation’s drug problem in a big way.

The episode starts off looking hopeful with Meredith about to break the record for the longest surgery ever, with DeLuca by her side. Schmitt and Nico have breakfast together as they prep for a surgery, and Jackson plans a camping trip to take Maggie on.

But things quickly take a turn when Bailey and Teddy are walking to work and someone drops an opioid OT case at the ambulance bay. It’s not long before an avalanche of OT cases are coming in and Ben warns that there must be a bad case of drugs being passed around on the street.

Owen is still at home getting ready to hand over Leo to his grandparents when he gets a page from the hospital for help. Since he’s already emotional, being called away actually seems to be a welcome escape for him.

As Owen dives in to help the hospital organize all of the cases being brought in, Betty is one of the cases, but the interns don’t recognize her. Betty actually wants to leave before Amelia sees her when all of a sudden she gets pains in her heart

Even though she’s rushed to get checked, her heart is in really bad shape. They end up calling Amelia in, and Betty’s parents come along, too. Just as they arrive, Betty has to get taken away for surgery and there’s no guarantee that she’ll make it through.

Link runs into Amelia in the hallway and starts to vent about people killing themselves, and it’s not really clear if he even knows that she’s an addict herself. They then get distracted when they find Betty’s boyfriend passed out with a needle in his arm. He ends up dying and Amelia breaks down because she knew him.

Meredith gets out of her surgery and is ready to pass out, but Maggie comes to tell her about what happened. Miraculously, Teddy managed to save Betty, and Amelia couldn’t be more thankful.

Betty’s parents tell Amelia that they can’t tell their daughter about what happened to her boyfriend. So she admits that her fiancé died in bed next to her and it was what made her decide to get clean. She hopes that Betty hitting rock bottom will finally make her want to live.

Dealing with all the OT cases also brings Alex’s memories of his troubling childhood to the forefront of his mind. The rest of the staff struggles with all of the deaths as well. It’s not easy for any of them.

DeLuca finds Meredith sleeping on a gurney and brings her into a room to rest, after tucking her in with a blanket and a kiss. So at least the super sad Grey’s Anatomy episode ends on a cute note.

‘HTGAWM’ 5×14 ‘Make Me The Enemy’:

Tegan’s two for two on using sex appeal to get what she wants. Only in How to Get Away With Murder season 5, episode 14, it wasn’t her own body she exploited. She coached Annalise to give Emmett exactly what he wanted so they could get the information they needed. Unfortunately, the information was simply that he was a lonely man who had a thing for Annalise.

The real guilty party, it turns out, is Jorge Jr. Xavier Castillo! Apparently Laurel’s family didn’t get enough of the villain spotlight in the last two seasons of How to Get Away With Murder, because they’re back for more blood in season 5. Specifically her mother’s blood, in fact. So creepy!

Bonnie must be going crazy with guilt over what she did to Miller, because I don’t know what the hell she was thinking when she said that Oliver should represent himself at the trial. That might be the craziest thing that’s ever been proposed on How to Get Away With Murder, and that’s saying something. They literally only know lawyers, so why would the one guy with no law experience represent himself in court when all of their freedom could be on the line? Well, it turns out that the absurd idea worked and Oliver’s charm truly knows no bounds, because he got his computer back before much harm was done.

Did anyone else completely forget that the Keating 5 will be graduating at the end of this school year? That could mean that How to Get Away With Murder season 6 could look very different than the series so far. Of course, we still don’t even know if the show will get a sixth season. However, if it does, after they mentioned Simon in this episode I’m positive he would somehow make his way back in season 6.

This season of How to Get Away With Murder has been such a roller coaster with Gabriel. I feel like my opinion of him changes with each episode. Scratch that. My opinion of him changes about five times per episode. Really this just proves that nobody will ever fully be able to infiltrate the Keating 5.

I was loving Gabriel when he came to Annalise for help and even at the beginning of his study session with Michaela, but when he turned on her I was ready for Michaela to give him the ole Sam staircase treatment. That scene on the stairs was so tense and well shot. It brought me right back to that fateful night in How to Get Away With Murder season 1.

Gabriel might’ve inadvertently put Michaela through hell, but it was more than worth it to hear her say “I miss us” to Asher. These two are adorable whether they’re together or not, but I think it’s high time for them to put their differences aside.

Whether Gabriel has a chance with me or not will come down to the decision he makes now. Will he turn on Annalise and cement himself as a series villain, or will he choose the group and potentially gain the audience’s loyalty? What else awaits us in the How to Get Away With Murder season finale? I can’t wait to find out!