Tonight’s TGIT includes Grey’s Anatomy 14×10, Scandal 7×09, and How To Get Away With Murder 4×10. Here’s our roundup of what happened!

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ 14×10 ‘Personal Jesus’:

The episode picks up right with creepy Paul being treated for a hit and run by April. Meredith immediately asks Jo and Alex for answers, but they say they were in bed when the cops called them. Jo’s business card was still in Paul’s pocket and that’s why the cops called her. Still, Meredith warns April that Paul can’t die.

Even though Alex doesn’t want her to, Jo talks to Jenny, who says that she didn’t tell the police anything. Jenny thinks Jo was the one to hit Paul and thanks her. Jo is quick to clear things up and Jenny finally opens up about her problems with Paul.

Jenny decides to tell Paul she plans to leave him as well as tell the cops all about the times he beat her. Paul gets so worked up that he tries to grab her, but ends up slipping and hitting his head again, causing more damage.

When it appears that Paul has gone brain dead, Jo realizes that it’s up to her whether or not to pull the plug since she’s still legally his wife. The cops also discover that Paul was hit by a drunk driver, so Jo doesn’t have to worry about getting framed. Jo decides to donate his organs so his death isn’t a waste.

April starts to realize that maybe she doesn’t want to judge Jackson’s contest and would rather compete in it, too. But Weber won’t take back the judging position, finders keepers and all that.

Ben and Bailey get into a bit of an argument when he has to drop off Tuck with her to go do some training. She clearly still questions his career choices and is also annoyed that he’s dropping the ball on taking Tuck to science camp. Luckily, though, Maggie gets excited and volunteers to teach them some things.

April takes in an emergency delivery of a woman that’s having her baby several weeks early. It’s not until after April is helping the woman deliver, elbow deep in her lady bits, that they discover the woman’s husband is actually Mathew Taylor. AKA April’s ex fiancé.

Even though the situation is really awkward, April is happy to find out that Mathew’s wife Karen seems like a great person. And although she feels guilty about what happened between them, Mathew says that if April never left him he would never have found Karen.

Of course, what Mathew doesn’t know is that April isn’t with Jackson anymore. He just assumes that they’re still together since they have a child.

Meanwhile, Jackson is dealing with a case of a black 12-year-old boy that was shot by a cop while he was trying to get into his own house. It just reminds Jackson of how he’s been treated by cops in the past despite never doing anything wrong.

Everything starts to go downhill when Karen suddenly starts to crash. Of course, this only makes April feel worse since she was keeping an eye on her while Arizona was in surgery. It seems like everyone blames her, and it makes April question everything, especially when Karen ends up dying in surgery. Jackson also ends up losing his patient after having to rush the boy to surgery.

After the day’s events, Bailey and Ben decide to give Tuck the talk about how to deal with the police. They want him to be prepared and know how to deal with the cops if he ever gets into a situation with them. They want him to stay safe and always come home to them.

‘Scandal’ 7×09 ‘Good People’:

While the motive behind the suitcase shopping montage in the beginning of this week’s episode is less than ideal, I stand by a statement I have made plenty of times before. I would watch six seasons and a movie about Eli’s daily domestic tasks. Cooking, cleaning, shopping. Give it to me.

At the very least, Eli is trying hard to make Quinn, his ex-solider, feel at ease in captivity. His bones are at stake.

The episode tracks pretty much on pace with the events of the last few episodes of the season. And in the final season, why would Scandal waste precious seconds recapping what we already know?

There is some merit to the repetition of the timeline. Quinn gets to make her stand against Eli and his poor choices. He locks Quinn up, but Olivia still has control of the game board. Eli’s obsession with the bones was endearing at first: they stand for his freedom. And we get to see him crumble as he is mocked and watched by Jake’s camera hidden inside a plastic dinosaur.

BUT Eli does make a friend. The salesman, Marv! Get that employee discount, Eli. (Oh, and the anonymity at the store and pep talk about being a good father isn’t half bad either.)

Being locked up starts to mess with Quinn’s ability to stay sane. All she has to tether her to the real world is her baby’s kick.

As Eli catches on to Liv’s sweep of his weapon repository, Huck pays Quinn a visit to help her bring out her darkest thoughts. Why didn’t Quinn tell anyone about Liv when she suspected she was behind the plane attack?

Quinn didn’t want to think Liv, her friend, her mentor, is no longer Olivia Pope.

Marv quotes Oprah and buys Eli a gun. Because what are friends for? And when we return to the fight from the end of the winter finale, Quinn starts to panic from below. Does she continue to escape, or does she wait out Olivia and Rowan?

Her imaginary OPA family help her keep fighting and eventually she maneuvers a way out of the chains. Forty minutes into the episode and Quinn finally faces Rowan after Olivia’s ultimatum. He fires the gun in spite of her pleas.

Look, we all know Eli didn’t actually shoot and kill Quinn, right? I’m shocked that this late in the season we needed an entire episode to show us that. To show us that Olivia would want to bury her body. And the main reason is that Huck would never stop looking for her.

Everything unfolds as you would expect — Quinn has her baby, Marv handles the delivery, and Rowan is grandpa of the year. After all, “We’re all good people when someone gives us the chance to be.”

Rowan could not let that streak continue — Marvin Heward, his only friend is dead. Dead because mothers and children come first. And if they have to come first for two years, then Rowan is prepared for that to happen.

‘HTGAWM’ 4×10 ‘Everything We Did Was For Nothing’:

Antares is public and Jorge has custody of Laurel’s baby, so the episode title for How to Get Away With Murder season 4, episode 10 couldn’t be more fitting. It really seems like everything they did was for nothing.

Frank made a rare mistake by keeping Dominik’s phone, despite everyone’s protestations. Luckily, when they finally brought Laurel into the fold, she proved that it could be valuable. Her mother, who was discussed a lot in this episode, was calling Dominik incessantly.

Dominik’s phone bills must have been unreal because we also heard from another guy who loved to call him in How to Get Away With Murder season 4, episode 10. Bonnie thought she’d taken care of everything with Denver, but when he went to Jorge about her, it became clear that she might have a much bigger issue for the rest of the season.

I honestly forgot all about Annalise’s class action lawsuit until How to Get Away With Murder season 4, episode 10, but she and the boys are back on it now. While most of this storyline was just to highlight Oliver’s pain and Connor’s desperation, they actually uncovered something interesting.

Does Nate actually have a secret?! I really hope so. He’s been the nice guy for so long, except for when he momentarily changes his allegiance sometimes, and I need something to change to remain interested in his character.

Bonnie is back on board, and she answered the question on all our minds when she told Annalise that she wasn’t in love with her. Annalise also answered an important question during that conversation.

Why does she help the kids? According to her, it helps her not to feel quite so empty. And if anything, she’s in deeper than ever with Laurel’s current dilemma. She even thinks this could be the secret to saving herself. Could she be right?