Tonight’s TGIT included Grey’s Anatomy 14×03, Scandal 7×01, and How To Get Away With Murder 4×02. Here’s our roundup of what happened!

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ 14×03 ‘Go Big Or Go Home’:

It’s been a week since Amelia found out about her tumor and still hasn’t told anyone. But she does recruit a former teacher of hers to check out the tumor. He drops the bomb that the tumor is affecting her impulse control, and it’s likely been affecting her for years. (Like when she suddenly decided to marry Owen).

Weber gets filled in because the surgeon refuses to help Amelia unless she agrees not to return to work until he’s cleared her. After many talks, Weber finally convinces Amelia to tell her family about the tumor. She relents and tells Maggie, but says she needs help telling Meredith.

Meghan is still recovering from her surgery, but ready to return back to Iraq.

Meredith is helping Riggs work on a patient who also happens to be her former shrink. This allows her to vent all about her frustrations with the Riggs situation. Since she’s there talking to him about Riggs, she’s also there when his condition gets worse and jumps into action.

Later, Meredith reveals to Riggs that the reason she’s mad at him is that he got a second chance with his true love and is throwing it away. She wants him to remind Meghan that she comes before anyone, because Meredith won’t get that chance with Derek.

Bailey, Catherine, and Jackson have to deal with an overly grouchy Harper Avery who is concerned that they’re spending too much money at the hospital. They spend all afternoon holed up in a board room trying to appease him to no avail.

He wants to pull the foundations support on the hospital, but at the last minute Bailey is convinces him that it’s a bad decision. He agrees to keep funding the hospital with the stipulation that Bailey is fired as Chief.

After fighting about, Catherine and Bailey try to go and talk to Harper more about it – only to discover that he’s died right there in the board room.

‘Scandal’ 7×01 ‘Watch Me’:

Scandal is BACK. And Olivia Pope is running the country. Err, I mean, Mellie is running the country. Actually, scratch that, Olivia Pope is large and in charge, changing votes and keeping everyone at arms length. Something that Rowan, makes note of.

Cyrus is already looking at what his Vice Presidency means down the road. Persuaded to run as the Democratic candidate in three and a half years, Cyrus is already considering peddling backwards from Mellie and her administration. But he comes to his senses and actually puts the country first. Are you shocked? I am.

Across town, QPA — Quinn Perkins and Associates — are changing more than just their name, they are changing their client recruitment style. They’re begging. And they start with David Rosen. Luckily, their groveling doesn’t last long as a client walks in looking for her missing father.

Only he is not missing on a church mission, he is a CIA asset who was taken by a terrorist cell. And since he is taken and about to be submitted to psychological torture, they need to kill him. While Liv may seem all high and mighty in her new role, Jake senses her jitters in ordering the murder of a patriot. No one ever said being Command was a cake walk.

Speaking of Jake, he is back to being her plaything in season 7. He sleeps with her when she demands, he uses the NSA resources when she needs them. But he also gets into the Oval when Liv turns her back on it for a second. His familiarity is something that will not be tolerated.

Jake deserves better than to be treated like an employee of Olivia Pope. And dare we say it, so does Cyrus? Liv is pulling those strings too. But there is one thing I can get behind — Olivia and Mellie Grant running the nation, together.

Sure, Olivia almost had Huck murder a child to get her way. But she wants to give Mellie, and the women of America, a brighter future. And Mellie, she wants to be a monument. That means, Liv is in charge.

Stray Observations: Baby Watch 2017: Charlie is nervous about what Quinn’s insistence of keeping a daughter in the dark about her parents drive. Their relationship is going to be one of the developments to keep an eye on this season.

‘How To Get Away With Murder’ 4×02 ‘I’m Not Her’:

The therapist mystery continued to unravel in How to Get Away with Murder season 4, episode 2. We got to see what he was doing in the moments before Annalise’s arrival, and also what happened after he appeared in the door of Laurel’s hospital room.

As for who “Alex” is, we’ll have to wait and see, but it seems like on the other side of things, they’re trying to make it seem like Annalise and this man develop a relationship. The way that their phone call was lined up with “he became my husband” was definitely suspicious. It had serious “he was my son” vibes, also.

In last week’s episode, it really seemed like Annalise was getting her fire back. In How to Get Away with Murder season 4, episode 2, the Queen was at it again. With everything that’s happened in the first three seasons, it’s sometimes easy to forget that Annalise has a big heart, so I loved that she went back to help Jasmine. When it comes down to it, Annalise is a good person, and she’s damn good at her job.

If anyone sees that, it’s Frank. He’s still trying to fight his way back into her good graces. He’s even taking the LSATs! We’re still not sure if he’ll be able to win Annalise over, but he definitely has Bonnie on his side, and it looks like he might even get Laurel back…even if he has to sit outside her window every night.

Just as Annalise is finally beginning to emerge from all the madness of the first 3 seasons of How to Get Away with Murder, the students are being forced to do the same. They still have their careers to think about, and their future began in season 4, episode 2.

While the ladies performed spectacularly at their internship interviews (even though Laurel still has bigger problems), the gentlemen weren’t so lucky. Looks like we might be looking at a Connor/Oliver/Asher threesome at “Control Oli Delete,” if they can’t figure something else out.