The Greatest Event in Television History starring Jon Hamm and Adam Scott had a very intriguing premise based on its title alone. Once the event aired, we realized it truly was one of the greatest events.

Now, we’re learning details about the sequel.

Adam Scott appeared on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night and revealed some important pieces of information: The Greatest Event in Television History sequel will air June 6 on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim and will feature Amy Poehler (Scott’s Parks & Rec co-star) and Saturday Night Live alum Horatio Sanz.

Scott says that this sequel will also follow the recreation of a classic television program, but he didn’t reveal which one. We’re sure we’ll have to wait until the event itself on June 6 to learn which show it is.

Watch the original Greatest Event below and you’ll see why you should be looking forward to the sequel, which we’re sure will have a star-studded cast:

Three of the Greatest Event specials, including the sequel, are currently in the works by Scott and his wife Naomi Scott.

Hopefully the sequel will be released online soon after it debuts on television. If so, we’ll be sure to share it with you.