Would you like a Golden Girls LEGO set? Of course you would. So go sign the petition!

The iconic Golden Girls TV series still has a strong fan base — so strong that they’ve now launched a big online petition to license an official LEGO set featuring the four characters in their living room set.

The proposed set, first covered on The Wrap, is currently gathering support on LEGO’s official Ideas page. As you can see, it’s already got more than 2,000 supporters, but it’s not enough. When it reaches 10,000 signatures, it may actually be approved for production.

The project’s creator has re-created the Golden Girls house with Legos, and the set will include five characters: Dorothy, Rose, Sophia, Blance, and Stanley.

“It has been meticulously recreated to have opening cupboards and fridge in the kitchen, Wicker Sofa and Chairs, a hallway backdrop, a storage closet in the kitchen, and an outdoor area with potted plants and a hose,” the creator writes.

“I have recreated many classic scenes from the show, including a visit from Burt Reynolds, Rose shooting Blanche’s Vase, Dorothy Playing ‘Grab That Dough’ and Rose rescuing her Teddy Bear from a mean little girl.”

We’re not going to lie, this has us pretty excited. Although now it’s only a matter of time until the LEGO Golden Girls movie is announced, right?

Go show your support for the Golden Girls LEGO set!