Does Lea Michele want her renowned idol, Barbra Streisand, to make a guest appearance on Glee ? The answer may surprise you.

And would Chris Colfer enjoy an appearance by Kate Middleton on the show? You bet!

In relation to Streisand appearing on Glee, Michele said:

“I don’t [want her to come on]. Idols should be kept as idols. Not that I think she would ever disappoint me — I’m sure if she came she would blow me away and be everything that I’ve ever imagined. But I think that keeping idols as idols is important. And I don’t think that everybody needs to be on ‘Glee’!”

She went on to say:

“I definitely think that there are people that fit the bill of what it means to be on the show. She obviously is one of them, but you’d have to write the storyline that Rachel has gone mute for a week which we all know is not possible! You’d just have to wheel me in and wheel me out! So that would just be weird and I don’t think that that would work.”

Colfer claimed he would be ‘over the moon’ if Kate Middleton guest starred on the show.

“I would love Kate Middleton to be in Glee. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? All she’d have to do would be just stand there. That’s it. That’s all she needs to do. I think I’ve just decided that Kurt loves Kate Middleton. I love Kate Middleton, so Kurt loves Kate Middleton.”


Of course there are no known plans for Glee to feature appearances by Barbra Streisand or Kate Middleton, but we think Michele’s view on keeping idols ‘idols’ is interesting! Do you agree with her?