With only one more season left for Glee, there’s a certain bittersweet feeling in the air.

Ratings are dropping and although the writing has greatly improved since season 4, the show’s coming to its end. The good thing is that the writers know this in advance (which isn’t always the case) so hopefully we’ll get a good ending to what has been six years of impromptu musical numbers and over achieving underdogs. There are certain things though which have to be done.

Rachel’s Success

Rachel’s destined for fame. The show has always revolved around her talent, which is shown to be the best in the group. With a career already on Broadway and the prospect of a TV series next season, Rachel’s undoubtedly going to be a star. Her sudden interest in being on TV does seem unfounded though. Every season she’s announced her dream of being on Broadway, and it seems a shame that now she’s there she doesn’t want it. Maybe it would have been better to still work towards this dream in season 5, with her finally achieving it at the end of season 6. Either way, her success seems inevitable.

The Klaine wedding

Kurt and Blaine are engaged and according to Ryan Murphy, Kurt’s going to be married by the age of 21. Kurt will be 21 during May next season, which can only mean one thing: A Klaine wedding. Whilst they still seem a bit young – don’t get me wrong, I love them together – if they’ve got the love, it can work. And they certainly seem to have the love. Although arguing ever more frequently, there’s no long term damage if make up sex is involved.

Hopefully this wedding will be everything Kurt and Blaine are; classy and sophisticated with a delightful dash of romance. It wouldn’t be complete without a good Burt and Kurt scene beforehand, and hopefully we’ll see the familiar face of Cooper there as well. Maybe even Blaine’s parents.

Hints at the future of other characters

Whilst Rachel’s future is sure to be told, the series wouldn’t be complete without knowing what will happen to the rest of the characters too. Success in the entertainment industry isn’t realistic for all of them (was Glee ever realistic though?), but it would be nice if it happened to some of them, whilst the others found success in “normal” jobs. Will Kurt continue to peruse performing or get a stable job at Vogue and put his internship to good use? It will also be interesting to find out what will happen to Sam. If his modelling career really is over, I can’t think of what he’s going to do.

Return of old characters

It’s always nice to see old faces, and the end of Glee wouldn’t be complete without the return of Quinn, Puck, and others. Perhaps even a mention of Shelby and Beth? Mr Schue will probably pop up too, providing more creepy antics. A return of Karofsky would be pretty interesting as well. Although it’s likely there’ll be some guest stars thrown in to try and up the ratings, I’m hoping that drop-ins of old characters will replace these.

Wrapping up old story lines

I’m kind of torn with this one. Should Glee throw a blind eye to previously dropped storylines, or try and wrap them up as best as possible? The main one I’m thinking about is Sue’s baby who seemed to exist for one episode. Then again, it might be for the best to limit the amount of storylines to a few good ones the fans care about.

A powerful ending

The most obvious point. Glee has touched the hearts of many, sending a strong message that it’s okay to be who you are. The ratings may have dropped, but the hardcore fans are still watching. It seems only fitting that Rachel have the last line. I’m not a Rachel stan, but she’s been shown to be the most talented and successful character throughout the show, and she is arguably the “main” character in the group. They may have sung four “Don’t Stop Believin’” four times already, but it would be fulfilling if they did it one last time in the last ever episode. Perhaps dedicated to Finn.

Overall, Season 6 is sure to have some “obvious” storylines, but it looks like a whole new vibe will be brought to the show with Rachel moving to LA. With only one more season to go, lets hope the writers get it right.

What do you want to see next season?