Glee season 5’s first episode of December won’t be jumping into the holiday spirit too early.

Season 5, episode 9 “Frenemies” will include “Don’t Rain On My Parade” by Santana from the musical Funny Girl, “I Believe In A Thing Called Love” by The Darkness and performed by Kurt and Starchild, and “Whenever I Call You Friend” by Kenny Loggins sung by Artie and Tina.

Presumably more songs are scheduled to be performed on “Freneies” but they simply haven’t leaked yet.

In the weeks ahead, we will see the cast perform “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus (episode 5 “The End of Twerk”), a slew of Billy Joel songs in their latest tribute (episode 6 “Movin’ Out), and “You’re My Best Friend” by Queen (episode 7 “Puppet Master”).

Glee season 5, episode 5 “The End of Twerk” airs tomorrow, November 14 on Fox at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific. Read’s the storyline’s synopsis, “The glee club learns the dance of the hour: twerking. Meanwhile, Marley discovers Jake’s relationship with Bree, and Rachel (Lea Michele) tries to convince Kurt they both should get tattoos.”

An inside look at the storyline shows the cast members talk about twerking and how seriously you have to take the popular dance art form:

If you can’t wait for tomorrow, listen to all of this Thursday’s new Glee songs now for free!

What ‘Glee’ songs are you most looking forward to in the weeks ahead?